VR Project Update #2

Hi hello there again. Things are going great. I got a lot of great feedback on the last posts. Today I am going to show you how I went from the blockout of an asset to a final model. So let's get started, :D

Here is the blockout of the desk we saw in the first VR Project post. This phone is considered a hero asset because of hits placement in the level. So it requires a fair bit of consideration.

So then we have to model the form out and figure out what type of phone it will be. After a few hours of work we get something that looks like a phone, its just the shell of it.


Now I start working on the UVs, the uvs are the coordinate systems that allows you to put textures on any 3d model.
A great way to think about this is you are laying down the skin of the model so you could put stickers on it. This can take just as long or longer than making the rest of the model. This took about 3 hours.


Now that we have the UVs done I start the putting designs on the phone. keeping in mind what materials that each piece will have.

phone NORMAL.png

That went well. But it took a lot more time than I would normally spend on a model like this.
Working hard on materials is what gives you a photo real touch. So you really have to focus on getting the feel of the colors and forms lighting correctly.

So here is the final textures added onto the model. The numbers on the dial will be added in the engine.


I really hope you have enjoyed this look at my workflow. I have about 40-50 other models to put together for this area, it should probably take about that many days to complete the modeling phase of this project. This model took all night so it is challenging work.

Thank you for checking out this post. I make games and toys as well as write books and poetry. If you like this post and want to see more of my work be sure to upvote and follow. If you want to check out what I am doing right now check out this video below.


I want to shout out a few really great supporters of mine. @gmuxx, @rhondak, @aggroed @dorman"Thanks dad.", @wacomalt, and the rest of the PAL crew.
Also be sure to check out the PAL network. Link below.
Peace, Abundance, Liberty!


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