Pennsif's Pot - Giving Away US$50 this month - Update and Reminder - Pitch your Proposal by 31 January

Ten days ago I announced my new charitable giving initiative - Pennsif's Pot.

Under this Pennsif's Pot project I will be giving away a monthly grant to an individual or charitable cause.

For the 'test run' in January that will be the equivalent of US$50. If the project goes well and continues then the grant will be rising to US$ 100 equivalent each month from February onwards.

To bid for the monthly grant all you have to do is write a post outlining the project you want the money for and give a brief breakdown of the costings involved. Then add a link to that post in the comments below.

Please read the full details about the grant scheme in the original post before submitting a proposal :

Or in Spanish :

Please note that the closing date for proposals for the initial January grant of US$50 is midnight UTC on Wednesday 31 January 2018.

I look forward to reading your proposals...

This project is supported by @GMuxx who also supported the A Dollar A Day daily giving project. @GMuxx is now a witness and would welcome your vote.

If anyone else would like to support this project please let me know.

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[ money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 ]

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