WANGCENTS was created to be a smaller trade-able unit of WANGCHANGE that will grow in value.

With the size of WANGCHANGE that is only divisible by 100 an idea of WANGCENTS came about. WANGCENTS initially started at 150th of a WANGCHANGE to be valued at about $1.50. These units are better suitable for my giveaways as a way to share. With considering that one needs to own a full WANGCHANGE token in order to be eligible for weekly payouts, payouts earned by @virtualgrowth from his holdings will be shared with WANGCENTS holders in reinvested growth. After receiving SBD from @mrwang for the WANGCHANGE that is held the value of WANGCENTS is increasing.
If you don't have an account already you can sign up for bitshares here.
Selling WANGCENTS for 1.52 bitUSD
WANGCENTS will increase in value with weekly payouts from @mrwang / #WANGCHANGE
Market orders to buy and sell WANGCENTS & WANGCHANGE will increase in value weekly being updated over time. This will serve for holders of WANGCENTS to be receiving some additional value from the payouts while also providing a market for those interested in getting enough WANGCENTS to get a full WANGCHANGE token to receive their own weekly payouts. This amount will be more as @virtualgrowth keeps part of the weekly payouts for his time working with @mrwang and managing these markets.
Hope people like this addition to @mrwang's family of WANGCHANGE assets. Noticed some had expressed some concern of not being able to earn part of the weekly payouts with only partial tokens. Now people may trade their partial WANGCHANGE tokens for WANGCENTS to benefit from part of the weekly payouts. Others may consider buying WANGCENTS to work towards owning a full WANGCHANGE token which they may trade for with about 150 WANGCENTS. Over time the amount of WANGCENTS you need for one WANGCHANGE will be less. So by simply holding WANGCENTS you will be closer to bring able to trade for one WANGCHANGE every week when payouts occur and markets are updated to reflect this change.
Active Mr-Wang-Change Posts
PROPOSAL: @MrWang Productions & Studios Version 2
@Mrwangs - Wang of the Week - @d3nv3r
WANGCHANGE - The Price & What You Can Do With It
WANGCHANGE Weekly Payouts Just In Time for 420
PROPOSAL: MrWang Production & Studio
Shout out to @therealPaul & @furion for saving My #growth-ideas Post
IDEA: Steemit Video Content Channels
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@MrWang & WANGCHANGE Update
A 12 Year Old Named, Charlie
BTS, Some Assets, and STEEM Market Data/Update (4/21) on the bitshares and Giveaway (for 4/28)