The Worst Of the Conflict In Syria May Be Behind Us Now

The civil war has been going on in Syria for several years now and it's estimated in that time that at least 300,000 people have lost their lives due to the conflict. There have also been over 10 million people that have been misplaced from their homes. It's a conflict that the majority of the public doesn't seem to want to be involved in, yet they are forced to continue with it because of the pressure for ongoing war from the deep state and US political representatives who have demonstrated nothing but eagerness to see Assad removed from his position of power.

Just a few months ago, the violence escalated to a new level when the US, under Trump's authority, decided to unleash the “mother of all bombs” known as the MOAB, a weapon that contained roughly 10 tonnes of explosives. This was said to be the very first occasion that the US had used this weapon in a conflict. It isn't known exactly how many innocent people lost their lives that day when the US decided to drop that weapon, but reports did state that several terrorists had been successfully targeted.

Syria's largest city, Aleppo, has been destroyed by the conflict but just recently in December the Syrian government was able to regain the territory of Aleppo thanks to help from Russia.

And when it comes to the ongoing war, Assad says that the worst might be behind us now.

Assad has claimed that they are currently moving in the ”right direction” and that he believes the worst of the civil war in his country is now over after a series of successful advances of his nation's forces backed by Russia.

”Unless the West.... and their puppets [and allies], support those extremists in a massive way,... the worst is behind us [now].

But will the political powers in the West be satisfied if Assad stays in power? They've already publicly declared that such an option isn't a resolution in their eyes and that the conflict will not stop until he is removed.

A number of people have tried to shed light on what is really going on in Syria that the Western media is neglecting to tell the public, like exactly where the funding is coming from for some of the rebels and the extent of the involvement of US officials in creating and manipulating these groups. It isn't within the interest of the US people to continue with a war that they cannot afford, which is creating enemies and making them less safe in the long run.

Western governments and their allies need to stop funding these illegal and unjustified wars, they are killing millions of innocent people and displacing even more. People shouldn't have to dodge sniper fire on their way home with some groceries, they shouldn't have to be left starving and without medicine and access to water, electricity, or basic necessities, because of the unfathomable amount of greed and evil being displayed from a few people who pull the strings within the deep state.

If it's true that the worst might now be behind us, let's hope that the US doesn't want to refuel the chaos by sending even more supplies and air support etc to help the terrorists continue the bloodshed.



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