Meet Dr. House: 3 Part Weekend Freewrite



Soon, she felt sure of her husband. She knew his dark face and the extent of its passion. She could trust him with this. He would NOT screw this up for them. She watched him lift the bag into the trunk and heard the echo as he slammed it shut in the darkness.

The sounds of the night crept up on her. The odd silence of the parking lot, the sound of the insects going about their business in the dark of night. The stillness of the air, the lack of human activity. There were no other cars here tonight, no people jogging by, no couples making out on the park benches. It was just them, alone. That is why this had been the best place for it. He had been so right about it. About everything.

She never expected to find herself here, to have found this side of herself. Hell, she never expected to learn about this side of her husband. He had always seemed so placid, almost annoyingly calm. Of course now she knew why.

It was the thrill of the hunt. The adrenaline of the chase. She felt like she was on top of the world, of course she could be calm in the face of anything now. Because she knew she had the power to win. The strength to conquer. To get revenge. There would not be another moment of feeling helpless and frustrated with people, because even if she didn’t follow through, she had the memories of tonight to feed her fantasies.

Tonight was a turning point for her. For their marriage. Nothing would hurt them ever again, not without paying the price.

They got in the car and she reached over to take his hand. He clasped her hand with his, the calluses on his palms sending shivers down her spine in an entirely new way. She was a little surprised by her reaction, but she was definitely feeling excited by their newly discovered joint… passion.

“Let your house do the dirty work” He’d said earlier that day. She’d been completely confused by that. As a matter of fact, it had kind of pissed her off. No, not kind of, she had been livid. Here she had spilled her guts, finally confessing her shame to her husband and he’d come back with some kind of… weird ass saying?

She’d come unglued just a little bit at that, “Let your house do the dirty work? What the FUCK does that even mean?” She’d screamed at him, thankful beyond reason that she’d arranged for the kids to stay overnight at their friends house. They didn’t need to be here for this discussion, or what was apparently going to be a big fucking fight. “Let my HOUSE do the dirty work? I tell you about the guy who… who…” She choked back a sob. What the hell was he thinking? She’d had a hard enough time telling him about the attack without him being a heartless asshole about it. “Well HONEY, the HOUSE can do whatever it wants, but the fact is, that man followed me home from the bar last weekend, while YOU were GONE on one of your business trips…” she actually made the air quotes with her hands as she spit out the words. She’d always suspected that he wasn’t really away on business, but she’d been far too intimidated to rock the boat, so to speak. This was the final straw. He didn’t even seem to CARE that someone had broken into their home and had attacked her here in their own bedroom! To think she’d been feeling guilty, like it was her own fault for getting raped and here her husband was making weird fucking sayings up to soothe her? What was he even about?

It had all started last weekend when she’d come home from the bar with her friend. They had both realized that they’d had too much to drink and had been flirting too much at the bar, so they left to come back to the house. They both wanted to have fun, but they were grown up enough to realize that being in the bar scene, being trashed out of their minds wasn’t the way they wanted to go. She had been in the kitchen, helping Charlene to prepare some of the meal they’d planned to have earlier. Having gotten side tracked with an impulsive decision to go out ‘clubbing’ like the old days, they’d left the food half prepared on the counters.

They were working along in their still drunken states when Charlene had cried out and she’d turned at the sound of shattering glass.

Right there in her kitchen stood the guy from the bar.

He’d been furious that they’d left him at the bar and what had happened next… she would never ever forget.

She’d told her husband about it just last night and here they were, barely 24 hours later. He’d made the weird comment about the ‘house doing the dirty work’ and then said they should go for a drive.

He’d had her go back to the bar with him and point out the man who’d broken into their house. Then she watched, incredulous as he spent the next 15 minutes buying the guy drinks and making friends with him. They had their heads together, planning god knows what, until she was furious. She’d gotten up and stormed out of the bar, her husband catching up to her at the car.

“Wait. Honey. Trust me.” He grabbed her and pulled her to him in an embrace. “Trust me. Please. Get in the car.” He’d driven to the empty lot without saying a word and they’d waited without speaking. Her mind was whirling and she couldn’t make sense of it. What was happening? It seemed like hours later that she saw the man from the bar come stumbling through the bushes surrounding a walking path. He was barely upright, but he seemed to perk up when he saw their car.

He headed straight for them, a big smile on his face. She had enough. She opened the car door and prepared to leave. This was some sick fucking joke and she wasn’t going to take it anymore. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but you can play it alone. I’m out. Don’t bother coming home.”

He grabbed her arm as she tried to step out of the car, “Just give me ten minutes. Ten minutes. Let me do the dirty work.” He released her arm and got out of the car.

The guy from the bar stumbled over, grinning like a fool. “So, where is she? Are we both going to do her together, or are you one of those sick fucks who just wants to watch while someone else fucks your wife?” He stumbled over his words, trying to see her through the windshield. She slid down in her seat, not wanting him to see her.

She heard the trunk pop open and twisted around in her seat to see what was happening. She got out of the car when she heard him calling. “Just come back here, I’ll get things set up.”

Storming out of the car, she came around the back of the car. Her husband was lying out a blanket on the parking lot. Her mouth dropped open. What the hell? Was he seriously inviting this guy to… to have sex with her after everything? The guy from the bar came lurching around the back of the car and saw her. He didn’t even seem to recognize her as his eyes traveled up and down her body, “Oh yeah, that’ll do just fine.” He stumbled across the blanket towards her, his hands on his zipper as he tried to keep his balance.

Suddenly there was a sickening thud and he dropped where he stood, directly onto the blanket beneath him. Blood was pouring out of his broken skull.

She wasn’t comprehending what she was seeing and she looked up to meet her husband’s eyes, hoping for some sort of explanation.

He stood, looking serious but accomplished. The shovel he’d bought last year in his hand, marred with dark liquid.

“It’s okay honey,” He said. “Help me wrap up this blanket, would you? We need to take out the trash.” He was already wrapping the guy up in the blanket that had been lying on some of the heavy duty plastic he’d had in the garage.

“The trash,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “Yes. The trash.” She helped him fold the body up like a burrito. ‘Wow,’ she thought,an edge of hysteria leaking into her thoughts. ‘My tortilla folding skills have come in handy.’ She snickered at her ridiculous thoughts and stepped back as she watched her husband go to put the shovel back in the trunk, the body laying wrapped up neatly on the pavement.

“Oh,” he said, pointing to the shovel, “Meet our friend. I call him Dr. House.”

“Dr. House?” Now she was sure that the hysteria was coming full blast. “Our favorite TV show?”

He chuckled, “You know, Dr. House, always found a solution, right? Even if everyone else thought he was crazy? I thought he’d be a great addition to our family.” He reached out to grab her for a hug, right next to the dead body on the ground. Somehow, it felt perfectly normal. She let out a big sigh of relief and melted into his arms. He set her back on her feet soon after, “I think we can continue that at home, my dear. For now, I think we should take care of this little issue.” He leaned down to pick up the ‘trash’ and she watched, impressed, as he took care of business.


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I went over the 5 minutes for the last prompt so that I could finish up the story... loop!


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Storytime Saturday: Psychological Thriller


Sunday Funnies: Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: Puppet Making Series, Part One


Try Something NEW Tuesday: Learning the Ukulele


Weightloss Wednesday: ONE YEAR!!! Progress and Meal Plans



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