Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- The Green Pepper

This is my entry for the Weekend Freewrite 3/3/2018- Part 1 - The First Sentence, hosted by @mariannewest.


There are three parts of the weekend freewrite, the first sentence, the interference, and the dramatic twist. We set our timer for 5 minutes for each of the prompts. I do not look at the prompts before writing and must modify my writing to fit the prompts. This one was pretty tricky, but I made it work.



Charlotte ate green peppers all day long, and she always loved to sing. She would sing about the peppers and the colors she liked best. She would try and rhyme the peppers with other words, many times making up words like tellepper. But most days she would plant the seeds. She had a very strict program for the green peppers.

Charlotte would eat the peppers, rinse off the seeds, lay them on a pepper towel to dry, and then take the dried seeds, and place them in the window flower box to germinate. She used a spray bottle to keep the seedlings damp, and when they began to leaf, she would transfer them to a larger pot.

Every day she spent moving plants from one pot to another until finally the plants were big enough to grow outside in the weather. The Spring was her favorite time of the year because the sun was warm, and the bees had not taken over the garden yet. She took very good care of her plants, and when the green peppers turned green she would get the biggest smile, harvest her peppers and then eat them all; raw.

"If you don't take chances," said the man in striped pajamas, "you might as well not be alive." Charlotte heard the words, and it was as if a lightbulb went off in her mind. Why hadn’t she thought of this before? She thanked the man, took the bag of seeds and went home. She looked at the bag for a few minutes, but then chose to put them away in the cabinet.

When she went to work in the garden the next day, the man’s words came back to remind her about her task. When she found the bag of seeds, she carefully inspected them for disease, or mildew. The seeds were perfect, but what bothered her was the fact that once she planted the seeds, she could never go back.

She took a breath and decided this is what she wanted to do. She had gone as far as she could with the green pepper plants she has been tending, and it was time for her to do more with her gardening skill. The harvest of green peppers last season gave her the money she needed to buy these, and she had searched for years to find someone local who could supply her with the finest, high quality seeds.

All she needed to do now was to plant.

Charlotte realized just what she had done, the time he invited his mother to dinner. Charlotte had only recently met Leroy, and his mother was very nosy. She could see how he got his mannerisms, and his snooty up-nosed attitude. She was very careful to be sure the house was perfect, complete with place settings, and her best china on the table.

Charlotte thought things were going well, until his mother saw the green pepper plants from out the kitchen window. “Are those green peppers,” she asked, “they look like pumpkins. How in the world did you grow those so big?”

Charlotte didn’t want to explain the seeds she had finally found, or the hours of grafting, and fertilizing that she had to do to get the plants to grow as big as they had. And she most certainly didn’t want to share any of her green peppers with anyone else. “You can’t tell anyone about this." Charlotte said. “I don’t want anyone to know about them.”

“But Charlotte, you must let the world see what you have grown. This has got to be some kind of record. I swear that is the biggest green pepper I have ever seen. Can I take a picture?”

Charlotte sighed. She knew eventually this would happen. “Perhaps Leroy would like to be in the picture. You two get close to the plant, and I’ll take the picture for you.” They smiled for the camera. “A little closer." Charlotte said.

The giant green pepper opened what looked like a huge mouth filled with green spiked teeth and swallowed them both one by one.

Charlotte shook her head. She really liked Leroy. But she loved her green peppers!

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