Weight Loss Bad Ideas

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I saw this post in a weight loss coaching group today and want to warn you off from it or any similar bad idea. I was working on an exercise post for you, but this made me mad, so you get this post instead.

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First and foremost, the idea of a 30 Challenge is a bad one if you have more than 5 pounds to lose. What are you going to do after 30 days? And oh yeah - get a friend to go through this with you so he/she can fail too.

My reply to this post?

  • Burgers are not all bad.
  • Chips might be your comfort food and can be made healthy.
  • Ice cream can be healthy.
  • Fast food can be healthy, and may be your only choice at times.
  • Chocolate can be healthy and the good stuff is actually really good for you with great health benefits.
  • How can you stop eating white bread if that is all you eat now?
  • How can you stop drinking soda if that is all you drink now?
  • Cakes, donuts, cookies, and candy, can all be made in healthy ways.

This challenge is the exact reason people fail in weight loss. One day, out of the blue, you see something like this and decide to change your life. Just stop some random bad habits right now. No prep, no planning, no thinking. Then you dream of all these foods for 30 days and want them more than ever because now they are “off limits” to you.

If you make it all 30 days it will be a miracle, and Day 31 is not going to be pretty. A 30 Day fantasy "plan" of hardship is useless.

Instead, I want to to follow along with the ideas I have already given you in my previous posts.

Remember your food goals:

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The key words in that graphic are "less" and "more." You do not need to change overnight. You cannot change overnight and have the change stick. Don’t think of banning certain foods while you are getting started with weight loss. Maybe later, when you have some nutrition going, some exercise going, and some success, you can cut back or eliminate that “bad food,” (and join an exercise class) but now you are easing into a new lifestyle that you can handle for the rest of your days.

Here you begin to track your weight and face reality:
Weight Loss Let's Pretend

Here you find out your BMI and start getting over excuses:
Yes, You CAN Lose Weight!

Here you take first step to successful weight loss with small steps regarding food and exercise:
Weight Loss - Let’s Get Started Today

Here you find out how big food portions are:
Weight Loss Portion Sizes and Nutrition

  • Do you know your BMI now?
  • Do you know how long it might take you to lose the weight you want to lose?
  • Are you doing 10 minutes of exercise each day?
  • Have you looked into food portion sizes and compared them to what you eat?

That is how far we are at this point, and there is so much more to come. I will help you if you contact me by comment here, or at these places if you want to stay anonymous:

I answer all private messages, and will connect with you if you ask me.

Weight loss is a complicated matter with all kinds of pitfalls you can avoid. I hope you are using these steps to make things easier on yourself and avoiding needless struggle.

I remind you of a story I already told in an earlier post. Diet soda was something I knew was bad for me and wanted to stop. But I did not stop, and could not stop until the end of my weight loss time. Once I got healthier, diet soda started to taste bad and I could no longer drink it. Before that time you would have had to pry it from my cold, dead hands. Now I have not had one in years and don't plan to.

Once you get to a point of 80% less crap and 80% more nutrition, you will feel better and be able to fight the larger battles.

Once you get to a point of 80% less crap and 80% more nutrition, you will be a new person and the big battles will be small.

Whew! I feel better now, and I hope you do too. Here is a short and easy exercise video as a preview to my easy exercise post coming up. Let's do it together. I like these girls, but I have to modify this video and you can too. Just do the moves as best you can and it will still work well!

If all of this is just too much, try my one-on-one coaching, online or in person.

I want to work with you! I offer renewable packages, designed for you, in 1 month, 3 month, or 6 month terms.

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All pricing is negotiable upon consultation to determine your needs.

I accept PayPal and all major cryptocurrencies.

If you are on Steemit, both SBD and STEEM are accepted.

Find my books at Amazon and at Selz for those of you who do not like or have access to Amazon.

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I was fat all my life until the age of fifty. I have been thin for the 8 years since then without trouble. You can do this if I did.

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