Oh, these vampires, even energetical! Life by drinking blood, they can not deny. But the energy of our charge their large batteries — it's easy! Why is this happening? In my opinion because, living life in such a difficult time of unrest and upheaval, we want to open up to someone. To let friends and family in our inner circle. And someone further away in the secret corner close to the soul and tenderly beating heart.

At that moment, we become vulnerable to fishers of energy.

No matter whether they do their dirty work consciously or as if in a fog. Do the same. And over and over again. Instead of leaving us empty, as if turned inside out, devoid of emotions and thirst to live fully and accurately.

But it turns out, that in addition to the "thieves from the outside", we ourselves can become donors and vampires at the same time. Two in one, so to speak. At this idea, I was prompted post friend about "autovampirism", a special kind of a waste of energy. In which we ourselves, under the influence of own thoughts about some of his insolvency or the false sense of modesty deprive ourselves of the healthy existence. Reflecting on this subject I came to the conclusion, that also suffers from this "disease".

From self-imposed imaginary fears and disappointments.

That is, instead of having to actively go forward, sometimes I'm think too much about what is left behind. Exhausting itself, and thereby discharging their batteries without the help of scary Strangers.

To defend from the evil turns out to be much easier. Climbed into the hole, lay down on the floor — you hides, grab it off the shelf cake. And where to hide from yourself, beloved? Nowhere. Only into self-destructive and counterproductive depression.

So I decided to act. Now go and do mini-exercises. Then drink a glass of juice. Eat something protein and useful vegetable. Go for a walk, smiling all counter and cross.

"And let the whole world wait" together with my own inner vampire.

Better yet, let him do not wait for a nutritious power breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still, have time to do household chores. To plan the day. And think about the future!!.

I want to live so, that no vampires, neither external nor internal are unable to reach me. At the end of life before the face of some of Joe Black's to say (how the hero Hopkins Magnate William Parrish) his beloved daughter:

Never never sorry...

Feel — become much easier...

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