[WHALES ONLY CONTEST] Calling all charitable whales. Let's see who's got the biggest <3 this holiday season?

Hey There Whales,

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, I'm talking to you big guys.

It's me, SirCork, the pipsqueak whose voice is only just barely starting to be near a dolphin's pitch, but even still, isn't quite there yet.

If you are a minnow or dolphin, well, this isn't gonna be your game, but if you are a whale, this is your chance to shine!

My project is @YouAreHOPE. In a nutshell, since I know your time is valuable, its a steem block chain based, transparent, community driven worldwide humanitarian aid foundation, and did I mention its run 100% on steem?

I'm a top 100 witness. You should vote for me if you are truly a charitable whale. Now, with that bit of street cred and direct business out of the way, let's get back to the matter at hand.

I am not asking you to rape a reward pool, or do anything nasty or untoward, but I would like to ask you for a delegation to @YouAreHOPE for the month of December.

We are running a fundraising and awareness campaign and contest that will generate a lot of posts. We'd like to upvote those posts from a well funded account for the month the campaign is running. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing evil, nothing sinister. The post rewards from these upvotes will go to the post authors to use as they see fit.

You can read about the contest, the rules, and specifically about how all the finances for it work to be transparent and as pure as the block chain allows without any reward pool rape rewards in it, as far as we can tell. Do poke holes in it. We need to be doing this right, not wrong. Looking forward to your feedback, on this, our first attempts at such a thing.


So why did I call you whales here with my title?

To see who can provide the biggest delegation for the month!

On December 26th, whomever has delegated the most for the longest, as of that date, will become an Official Sponsor of YouAreHOPE and be promoted for all of 2018 for your project or initiative or witness or blog, with some rights reserved to be avoid conflicts of interest or associations directly in conflict with YouAreHOPE global value sets.

Subjective, yes, it has to be. We're sure as successful business whales, you can understand our position. Mostly though, just about anything goes. We aren't uptight, just a little nervous, maybe. ;)

So, fame for fortune. Do we have a deal?

It's like follow for follow without the shame, and all the game!

Whales, start your wallets.

Let's see who has the biggest... <3 heart.

Yours in service,
Founder: @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Top 100 Steem Witness

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