The Post-Holiday Tree Toss -- Part 2 -- "Oh Come On People, It's Almost EASTER"!!! ~ Now They're Showing Up In The Waterways -- PLUS: Bonus Feature -- "How to Spot A Potential Future Tree Toss Scofflaw ~ Original Everything ~

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The Airborne Arbolito

"We're Baa-aack". With more telling evidence of this WAY-past-the-holidays continual tree toss debacle of my fair city. The first installment, Part 1 of several (Post Holiday Tree Toss), demonstrated oodles of land-born, discarded Christmas trees, discovered throughout my fair city between January and early March of this year.

This second grouping of errant-ly tossed trees showed up in the soggy waterways of the infamous 'Froggy Pond of Old' "Ducks Ducks Everywhere. But A Simple Frog, I Cannot Spare.". I noticed these newly-heaved trees while driving by the pond in the last weeks or so. Crazy as it sounds, these random trees are STILL showing up in all sorts of odd places of the city, many months past the end of the holidays. Read on...

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More Trees Showing Up In The Froggy Pond

These five Christmas trees showed up all at once. It's rather interesting, as they represent several different 'stages' of post-holiday tree disintegration, as evidenced by the different conditions each tree demonstrates. Some are pretty well worn, and others look like they just came out of the stand. Did someone save up 5 years worth of old trees and dump them at once? Are these from a bunch of different households on one cul-de-sac...and one person collects them and dumps them all at once? Possibly for a nominal fee, or in trade for borrowing the lawn mower whenever needed?

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Another possibility: This big pond is a well known post-holiday tree repository, noted on the internet, or published in one of those timely holiday magazines you pick up off the coffee table in the waiting area of the barber shop or doctor's office. An article noticed while mindlessly thumbing through while waiting, in Christmas-Time Ornaments and Homemade Decorations Weekly, December 2016 issue, titled "The 10 Best Areas In The County To Dispose Of Your Old, Worn Out Christmas Trees". There has to be a clearing house for this sort of activity going on SOMEWHERE.

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And Even MORE Various-Vintage Trees Showing Up

These trees are on the bank of the pond opposite those in the photo above. Deposited a day or two later than the first installment. Once again, trees of various 'vintage' all in one place. Different cul-de-sac tosser? Saved by one person from year to year, until 'just the right moment' surfaced?

Another thought I had: "Maybe the city is putting these in here for fish habitat". Then again, the professional Christmas Tree Fish Habitat Placement Specialists usually tie the old trees down with cement blocks and such, so they stay in place. Plus, there aren't any fish in these ponds for the T.F.H.P.S people to be spending money and time tethering-in old Christmas trees FOR. So, I think not.
Plus, see the photo below. Even more oddities abound...

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Now Someone Has Removed The Trees

This is the same pond/bank shown in photo 2 and 3 above. I passed by several days later, and someone had come along and taken the trees back OUT of the pond. I'm quite sure they didn't float further out, as these ponds aren't that deep, and there is little wind or wave action to move a waterlogged tree.

Another possibility, a very sentimental person came back after a few days, realizing they greatly missed their old trees, and took them back home in the middle of the night. I suppose the city could have removed them. But they didn't take the ones across the way, they're still there. As is the long-distance one in the next photo.

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Long Distance Tree

This tree (arrow) that you can barely see through the rain and mist, plus it's a hundred miles across the pond, must have been tossed from the other bank by those homeowners on the far side. I suppose it could have 'floated' over there...but I'm pretty sure these things don't migrate all that much, once in the water. They get pretty waterlogged.

Further Evidence of Future Scofflaws

In riding my bike about town, I have come across many trucks parked in driveways that look like these photos below. People appear to be stockpiling their old Christmas trees in the back of the truck, waiting for a good time to toss them out into the environs of the city. The more of this sort of thing I see, the more I look, the more I see. Sneaky sneaky sneaky!!

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A Scofflaw In The Making?

This tree looks a bit old, though official 'needle-ifferous tree-dating' suggests it is still from this past year. Maybe it's been stockpiled in the back of the truck since the holidays, or stuffed in here recently for a 'move'.

I suppose I could give them the benefit of the doubt, and say it's on it's way to the dump, which would be nice. But why is it still here 3 months later. Possibly just waiting for the right cycle of the moon to head out and perform an efficient 'toss'. Maybe I'll see it somewhere else on a future bike ride about town.

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Waiting for Nightfall --No. 2

Another one. Newer truck, newer tree. Waiting for just the right lunar moment.

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