Meet Our Witnesses - @reggaemuffin

As Steemians who want to see this platform continue to grow and flourish along with the steem token, I feel it is our duty to elect witnesses who will not only serve as master nodes but also add to the development of the Seem/Steemit environment. Most people are able to run a node with a little but of research and the proper equipment, but Witnesses vying for the top spot on the steemit network are rewarded for there position and should be doing more for the community. We all have 30 votes to cast for the witnesses of our choice and these are the 30 most important up votes you will ever make on this platform. Witnesses are the leaders in this community and thus it is of paramount importance that we due our due diligence before casting our votes.

Until recently I had barely used my witness votes and I felt it was time to change that. I didn't know many of the Steem Witnesses and hadn't put in enough effort getting to know the people who keep this platform running. The first thing I decided to do (which I should have done months ago) was read through all the Steemit FAQ pages to get a better understanding of how our ecosystem functions. After that I headed over to Steemd to check out the top 100 witnesses and what they've been doing on the platform. I highly recommend doing those two things right now, if you haven't already done so.

In part 9 of this series I have the pleasure of introducing to you, a young computer scientist going by the name of @reggaemuffin. He has been on the platform for over half a year now and is active on many different levels within the steemit community. One of the early things he did was create the Welcome Bot which greets new users to the platform. Since his early days on the platform @reggaemuffin has continued to go further down the rabbit hole. He is now involved in countless different project. Projects like @minnowbooster which allows users to use their hard earned SBD for upvotes and get them more recognition in the community. More than just paying for an upvote, Minnowbooster has several different investment options for users that want to make their steem and steem dollars go further. If you want to find out more about Minnowbooster simply click on the link and start reading.

Besides the never ending @minnowbooster project, @reggaemuffin is also a cofounder of @buildteam, which seeks to use blockchain technology to solve real world problems. The team boasts some impressive names and there are several projects that they are currently working on. From things like @steemvoter, which is a curation bot and allows you to automatically curate some of your favorite authors, to @steemsport, which combines daily sports news with a passionate community of sports fans. Head on over to Build Team to find out more.

Another great thing that @reggaemuffin does for the community is his sponsorship of contests that promote engagement here on the platform. Each winner receives 500 delegated SP, so if you are a minnow just starting out, that could be a huge bonus for you. Now that you have read more about @reggaemuffin and you want to go show him some love, head over to the Witness Page, scroll down to the search box and type in @reggaemuffin's name. He is a valuable member of our steemit community and could use our help to get into the top 50 spots.

I've had the pleasure of conversing with @reggaemuffin several times over the past few months, recently I asked him to do a short interview with me, to help people in our community get to know him a little better. The following is the trnascript of our recent discussion. I hope you enjoy it.


  • What is the biggest obstacle that this platform must overcome before it goes mainstream?

The biggest obstacle of steem will always be its community. It is the unique strength and weakness of the platform and toxic people can really easily ruin steem for many.

  • Financial advice aside, what ceiling value do you think steem has in terms of price?

Crypto currencies have no ceiling in my opinion.

  • What makes you from different witnesses in the steemit community?

I care and I know how to maintain a server. I think that is a pretty unique combination.

  • When you are not in front of your computer helping the steemit community, what other hobbies do you have?

Programming, music, sport (too many to count) and enjoying life with friends.

  • What would be your ideal vacation?

A summer trip to a beach where I can surf, best would be consistent winds 3-5 and no jellyfish.

  • Do you have any phobias or fears?

A few I guess. But working on overcoming them. Heights and falling is pretty bad, still not ready for a parachute jump.

  • With so many other tools and sites having been created for the steemit user, if you had to pick one, which would be the most useful for a new steemian to use? is really good. It shows you all the stats you never need.

  • What is one thing that most people don't know about you?

With time zones many don't notice, but I am generally awake at 6:30 in the morning even on weekends.

  • Being a witness takes a lot of time and energy, how do you keep a balance between this and other commitments?

Being a witness is actually easy. My servers are running smoothly for months now with no hickups or issues. Most time is spend supporting the community and helping people. So I find times where I answer everyone at once. That way I have time spots for other work.

  • Who do you think would win in a fight, Ironman or Superman, and Why?

Superman has plot armor and is badly designed OP. So while he will most likely win, it would be a boring movie. Stark could probably do the batman thing and kill him with cryptonite but that would be boring too. I'd never watch a Superman movie for Superman so unless there is Stark/Wayne action I don't really care who wins against Superma


I agree that superman is way overpowering compared to some of the other superheros, but somehow the writers still find a way to make the actions movie interesting. I want to thank @reggaemuffin again for taking some time out of his busy (and early) day and answering these questions for me.

This is part 9 of the series "Meet Our Witnesses", You can read the interviews with @rival, @good-karma, @someguy123, @liondani, @patrice, @jerrybanfield, @kyle and @pharesim by clicking the links:









Make sure you follow along to this series as we get to know many of the leaders in the Steemit community and show some appreciation for everything they do. Thanks for reading and check back soon.

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