@Aizensou - Meet The Witnesses #37


#36 - @Aizensou

Aizensou is a witness who has placed his money where his mouth is by quitting a respectable career to Steem full time. Before quitting the dreaded “day job”, Aizensou had one of the more impressive job titles around, as a PhD data scientist working on cancer research.

One of Aizensou’s early projects was SteemInterest, a clever service that solved a real problem for semi-active Steemians. When Steemit used to pay interest on SBD every month, your new interest payment would not be compounded into your next interest calculation until you made a transaction. SteemInterest was a service that automated this by timing each registered user’s interest compounding period and initiating a .001 SBD transfer just prior to re-snapshot the total asset pool which interest was to be paid out on.


Aizensou was involved with the pre-alpha for the SteemStays project. This appears to have been intended to be effectively a lower-fess version of AirBnb with integrated Steem payments, but the main account @Steemstays has gone silent for 11 months so it may no longer be under development at this point.

Aizensou has also released code for running a Steem stats leaderboard, showing the top authors, curators, etc by calendar date and vests. This is still available on his Github, although he appears to have moved on to Zcoin development. These days, he rarely posts.


Aizensou holds 56,000 SP and is powering down.

Aizensou’s Current Witness Update: @aizensou/witness-update

Aizensou’s Original Witness Thread: @aizensou/witness-application-aizensou

“Quitting The Office”: @aizensou/time-to-go-full-steem-ahead

SteemInterest: @aizensou/ann-steeminterest-a-trustlessly-service-to-maximum-compound-your-sbd-interest

SteemStays: @steemstays/steemstays-an-accommodations-marketplace-on-the-blockchain

Steem Leaderboard: @aizensou/customize-payouts-leaderboards-stats-for-steem-network

Please see the acknowledgement post here.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Sources: @Aizensou, Github
Copyright: @Aizensou

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