Witness Delegation Plans for lukestokes.mhth

I've been thinking about this for a while now and finally carved off some time tonight to do something about it. I want some of the witness Steem Power rewarded to me as a block producer to directly support cool things going on in the STEEM ecosystem.

Tonight, I delagated 1,000 SP (to start) from my @lukestokes.mhth account to the following projects:

@steemiteducation (intro)

We started the @steemiteducation account to help promote ALL educational content. If you wrote something educational, and you feel that your post could benefit a student or perhaps a teacher, please feel free to add a link to the comments of any of our posts.

I like what steemit education is doing to bring educational content to the STEEM blockchain for everyone to enjoy for free. As the father of three young kids who are schooled at home, I want to see a world where everyone has access to fantastic educational content. My personal account has delegated 500 SP to @steemiteducation since August of 2017. Today I'm adding an additional 1,000 SP from my witness account.

@steemstem (steem.center page)

Community Project to Promote Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Postings on Steemit

I'm a big fan of science, technology, engineering, and math (though I wish I was better at the math part). Though I haven't been following @steemstem for long, people I trust are really excited about the good work they've been doing and from what I've seen so far, I want to support it. Understanding our world is the first step towards improving it.

@utopian-io (intro)

Rewarding Open Source contributors for their hard work via Steem!

A friend of mine early on posted an idea about rewarding open source developers with STEEM. Apparently the community agreed because he earned $11,283.37 just for the idea. @utopian-io is making that idea a reality. As someone whose business relies on open-source technology, I really love this project.

@minnowsupport (about)

The Minnow Support Project is a Witness initiative designed to form a community around new Steemit users to help them grow, find support, and as an avenue toward financial success.

I've been asked by the minnowsupport community to apply for their witness vote which is something I'd be honored to receive. I've been delegating 1,000 SP to them from my personal account since July of this year, and I'm happy to include an additional 1,000 SP with my witness account today. Projects I've worked on like understandingblockchainfreedom.com line up nicely with the Minnow Support Project's vision for peace, abundance, and liberty. Their values of education, community, and curation are what I'm all about supporting.

If you haven't already, drop in to the Discord server and see what's going on there to help people get on-boarded and find success.

Update: I've also delegated 1,000 SP to both @curie and @ocd and will include more details about them in a future update.

I did these delegations easily using @jesta's fantastic Vessel tool.

My goal as a witness is to explain complicated STEEM, cryptocurrency, and developer stuff in simple terms. I want to help people set proper expectations and better understand where the rewards come from and how cryptocurrency (and value itself) works. I may not be the best educator or communicator, but having been a programmer since 1996, I do have a good amount of experience from a developer's perspective. I work to translate that into something most people can understand. I also care deeply about human well-being and helping to create a world we all want to live in. I'm active in the community and available to help.

Thank you so much for your support and please:

Let me know what other community projects you think I should support.

Ideally, I'm going for well-established projects that are benefitting the STEEM ecosystem. In the future, I may delegate to additional projects or increase the delegations above. This is hopefully just the beginning.

Thanks for reading.

You can read my witness announcement post here:

My previous witness updates:

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth

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