Steem Witness Proposal: I am precise. I am swift. I am human.

vote for this witness who advocates @steemph - a non-profit, non-stock autonomous organization

I am precise.

Serendipity introduced me to cryptocurrency way back 2010-2011 and since then, I aimed to one day contribute my fair share of knowledge. I have an arsenal of tools to maintain a reliable and stable witness node. Backed mainly with my diverse education and experience in the field of Technology - from engineering, cybersecurity, and to software development.  

I am swift.

I am a sucker for new technologies. I adapt and learn quickly. My first dip at exploring the blockchain is when I started mining for Litecoin. Then I got hooked in developing Dapps and smart contracts for Ethereum. Until now, I maintain an Ethereum miner. One thing lead to another and from Proof-of-Work I explored on Proof-of-Stake Algorithms by building a DECENT Witness Node just recently. Now, since we're at it, why not build a Steem Witness node right? 

And today, I formally announce that my Steem Witness node is online at block 15389932. 

I am human.

A good friend, @tjpezlo narrated to me (over a cup of coffee and a nutella crepe) how steemians from the Philippines have thrive and now have formed a fast-growing community- @steemph, I immediately saw the spirit of "bayanihan" (pronounced as buy-uh-nee-hun)

Bayanihan -  From the Filipino word "bayan," which translates into nation, the bayanihan spirit showcases just how much we seek to make the impossible possible by virtue of unity.

@tjpezlo have gone to great lengths in convincing me to join the community and then @immarojas showed me the path to their dwelling.  

As soon as I entered their home, (at Discord for now)  I felt like I was no stranger, a family embraced me with the utmost hospitality. Standing at the entrance door, I was welcomed with coffee and cakes (in the form of emojis), everyone was so excited to see me as if I was their long lost brother. So I went to the couch and there I saw "the handler of shy accounts". She showed me around and point me to "guides_for_newbies" and I said "But I'm no newbie." She then replied, "We have "ph-traders" so, do you trade cryptocurrencies?" I paused for a while and ... "Is that what we use to buy dinner and drinks?" ... then the rest was history. 

This Witness advocates all endeavors of @steemph to build-up the community, reach-out to those who need and To grow the Filipino Steemit Blogging Community through positivity and empowerment. 

Henceforth, I pledge to contribute 25% of the net profit from running this witness node ( if it becomes a profitable active Witness ). 

If you support this cause, let's build the community together and vote for me here 

You may reach me at Steemit Philippines Discord - @precise

I code with purpose. I am @precise.

Happy Birthday to @tjpezlo .... this is a gift he deserve!

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