Working in bed?

I always was living (and still live) according to the motto "Social rules and conventions are there to be broken." Actually that doesn't mean that I break them intentionally as self purpose, no, but I just don't care much about these unwritten rules and try to do things in a way they are suitable and pleasant for me.

I prefer to work late ...

For example my ideas about work differ a lot from the views of most people in my surroundings. For instance I prefer to work very late, not starting before afternoon as I am a real night owl[1], whereas in society many people are still following their 'work-early-ethos'. @uwelang recently called me "early riser" because I released a STEEM article at 4 o'clock in the morning ... but the truth was that I had written it at night and was still awake at 4 a. m. :)

... at home ...

Of course I also prefer to work from home, whereas most employers in Germany still prefer to see their employees around them every day (I guess it gives them a feeling of having all under control). They say being present in the company increases communication processes within the team, but well, there are messenger solutions nowadays ...

... alone ...

And apropos 'team': new studies are pointing to the fact that humans are more creative, productive and concentrated when working alone,[2] because they are less distracted, more relaxed and don't tend to buck-pass responsibility on others. Therefore one could think that in German TEAM be the abbreviation of "Toll, Ein Anderer Macht's!"[3] I even found a book with that title.[4] (Concerning this topic I didn't find enough adequate sources in English - maybe in Germany are living more mavericks similar like me.)
Anyway, at home I can work much more effectively, focused and in a better mood. In addition it saves energy and reduces pollution and problems caused by traffic jam if people save their daily way to work.

... and in bed! :-)

Due to my characteristics mentioned above I may belong to a minority, but many other people may have the same preferences like me as well. However, I not only prefer to work from home whenever possible, and late, but what makes it even worse (in the eyes of all these normal people around me) is that while I am working, most of the time I neither sit nor stand, but I lie! Yes, you did read correctly. Let me show you my 'workplace':

When we let build our new home I told the electrician to position the sockets for the LAN cables in our sleeping room a little bit higher than the top edge of our bed (as you can see in the picture). In front of the headboard of the bed we put a bench for our laptops. That makes it possible to lie in a very comfortable position while working, placing my online bets or writing STEEM articles (obviously one can do many other nice things in bed as well, but that's not the topic of today). :) Of course I also don't need to stand up for switching off the light when work is finished ...

My paragons

Ok, I might be crazy, be that as it may, but at least I am not alone: according to an article[5] in "ZEIT Online" more and more young professionals in New York are doing the same, so actually it seems I am quite 'avant-garde' concerning this. :) In addition also many writers, artists and thinkers, like for example Marcel Proust, Mark Twain, William Wordsworth, Truman Capote and Gary Shteyngart were/are working in bed[6].

It's more healthy to lie than to sit or stand!

Nowadays experts are of the opinion that sitting too long (as most of us do) is very bad for our health. Several studies show that sedentary time seems to be associated with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and mortality.[7], [8], [9]
Of course some of the disadvantages of sitting also apply for lying, for example in both positions energy consumption is rather low. Not to gain weight and to prevent cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to be active enough, do some sports, leave the house and make some walks in the beautiful nature. :)
Nevertheless, lying has some advantages compared to sitting. First of all (unlike when you stand or sit) the spine and the intervertebral discs are getting relieved. Moreover a physiotherapist explained me that there is a 'rule' that "Going and lying is better than standing and sitting." If you are sitting, hip and knee joints are bent that means blood vessels are constrained so that blood flow is restricted. As a consequence thromboses and edemas are more probable. If you stand too long though, gravity causes the blood flowing into legs and feet.

Have a comfortable evening! :-)

Chaise longue Venus Victrix (1800).

By shakko


  1. /@jaki01/the-early-bird-catches-the-worm

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