Have you ever wondered why, whether one is a student or an employee, one thing that we find ourselves habitually looking forward to is the weekend?
Why is it that we anticipate our days off with such gusto?
Well - its quite simple really.
It is because we weren't designed to slave away, day-by-day, towards goals.
More-so when those goals aren't truly our own but are imposed upon us by a third party, often with priorities quite independent of our well-being.
We Need Work - But Do We Need This Much of it?
It is said that 'the devil finds work for idle hands'.
In my opinion this is hogwash designed to justify the mundane occupation of our time.
Our time is precious. It is finite. Once it is expended it is never coming back.
So having more time to ourselves - to be ourselves sounds fine to me.
So, what should a 4-day week look like?
Most opinions seem to lean towards taking the Friday off.
This 'does' open more possibilities for the longer weekend.
However I personally feel that a mid-week break makes more sense.
Not needing to work Wednesdays would slash the work week in two.
It means that we only ever get two consecutive days of work - and one or two days for subsequent recovery. The next 'break' isn't a whole 4-5 days away but a mere 2 days away.
Common sense suggests that people would no longer be running on empty by the end of the work week even 'if' their work days were a little longer as a result (I personally feel that the 40+ hour week is over-rated but I do suspect that this would be true regardless).
So lets revisit yet another notion that we take for granted. Question everything.
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