A Visit To A Brazilian Brothel with Nina & Hans! [Part 1]

I had no idea what a party in a brothel was until I met this couple.

 Because of my job I’m used to meeting all kind of people, travelers coming and going, everyone freeing themselves from everything and embracing the joy of the island. Sometimes for the natural paradise and the feeling of no worries, and some others falling for the night, party and lust. Well, this last part was the case of these two characters I worked for. 

 Nina, a tall Brazilian lady with white-like-milk skin, with a path of freckles that seduces you around her body. A few tattoos to decorate, and a sex appeal that gets your attention after one look. Dark hairs like the night to the level of her shoulders, and intentionally or not some red hairs could appear magically in her head when annoyed. This muse had a strong attitude of who’s is comfortable with herself and who she is. A woman full of sayings and phrases, that knows how to be “a lady at the table, and whore in bed”, as she used to whisper in my ears the lyrics of Mi Colombiana by Cienfue. 

 The best way to describe Hans is to say he is the luckiest gringo in the world, period. Charming, handsome and smart enough to pretend to be whoever he wants. His curiosity is the perfect sparkle for Nina’s flame, and as long as she feels her fire can burn free and wild, she allows him to shine with her light. 

 They came to me looking for some touristic information, like where the bars and restaurants were, that kind of basic stuff. Just after a few minutes of chat we got along so well, the music got us together, my speakers were on, and Sinatra was the charm. After a singing moment continued by laughs, they asked me if they could hired me as personal assistant, a concierge kind of type, with benefits, lots of them. Without even thinking about payment I said yes, just for the fun I could tell I was going to have. 

 First night at their service, we went to a rock bar with a live band, playing hit songs and everyone singing along until loosing our voice. Drinking artisan (8% alcohol) beers, shots of tequila and vodka with red bull, these guys were no amateurs. Under the influence of this menu, I saw Nina making out with a girl, showing her boob (yes, only one) to the bartender for free drinks, and then a group-kiss with Hans and other three girls. And after this the level just goes higher. 

 Hans and Nina had a wide variety of personalities and alter egos according to the situation, it was like watching them change clothes to be whoever they wanted to be in that moment. Our conversations went from so many different topics that boredom became a weird foreign concept. Between drinks we talked about everything, from politics to cooking, philosophy and music, traveling and of course, sex. 

 Days went by so quickly that we realized we didn’t have the time to do everything we were supposed to. Many things we said we wanted to do together, and exactly like that saying when someone is having too much fun time flies, that happened to us. Two weeks in a blink of an eye. Something special was needed for our lasts days. Then with a glass of rum in my hand I celebrated: 

 “We need and epic night to say a proper goodbye.”

And Nina always has a good idea,

“Lets go to a strip club!” she toasted. 

 Hans and I got the biggest smile while nodding our heads. Our eyes were shining like having an epiphany. And like a natural reaction from our bodies, the three of us bit our lips like wishing to taste the lust we were imagining. “Cheers!” 

 The plan was set, Nina picked the place, I called the taxi and Hans lead us through the red doors. We all got pretty and stylish. Proper looks for the epic night we were going to have. She was in a hot black dress, black tights and black heels, making her legs and her figure an inspiring view, to say the least. They together looked from a movie, powerful and sexy, king and queen, two players enjoying the game. She played a special role that night, at that moment in that place, she was The Lady in Black

 The Lady in Black was the queen of the place, a perfume made of pheromones, sex appeal, Brazilian swag, she just owned it. Hans was there just to enjoy and get pleased She took charge of the situation with such grace and elegance that you would think she owns the club. Looking at them was entertaining in many levels, their desire and love for the night awoke voyeuristic eyes all around. They were the sexiest couple in the place, and we were in a strip club/brothel!

 After some drinks and one show, I got more into the atmosphere and let myself walk around the place, sat on a chair closer to the stage and ordered a scotch. As soon the waiter comes with my drink I heard “Take the cute gringo on stage”, Nina was telling to one of the girls that was flirting with her (if Hans had 3 girls looking at him, other 5 were into Nina) I rushed to drink a big gulp to embrace what was coming.  

 A petite brown sugar girl took me to the stage, near to one of the poles, while rubbing my arms told me to relax and enjoy. I heard a name being announced by the DJ, the smoke was released, the lights went down and there the sex-bomb was. A tall, blond, perfect ten, acrobat stripper. She was dressed as a warrior princess, Xena kind of type, flying on that pole, dancing, jumping and landing on the other pole, I was seriously impressed. The petite girl next to me was already touching my crotch when she told me to get closer and lay down. Showtime baby! The blond goddess up closer was even hotter, she was doing all these acrobatic movements with me, rolling over me, jumping from the pole to land on me, she took the strip tease to a whole new level. In Nina’s words I was like a kid in a candy shop, ecstasy. 


 The night went on, more shows, more girls, more drinks. We were rockstars having fun. The lust took over our conversation, the flirts became more intense. Hans had a girl on his lap, another girl in one arm and Nina on the other. The Lady in Black watched with pleasure other girls touching and wanting Hans, he was the center of attention, and she was even more aroused when he only looked for her lips. These two had a sexual connection to envy, they were flirting with each other the whole time, addicts to pleasure and lovers of the night. 

To be continued...

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Part 2


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