Second Creative Challenge - Task #5 - A letter that will go down in history

Hi everyone! This is my entry for @steemfluencer's creative challenge task #5. We were asked to finish a letter given to us, written by a grandfather to his future grandchildren. Since I'm a girl I decided to change it to a grandmother. Hope you like it (:


Beginning of the letter:

Dear grandchildren,
I'm Elba, your grandmother. I know what are you thinking about :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only 25. Cool, isn't it? :)
At the moment of watching this video you might be already 10 years old or older. I don't know your names, how you look like and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist...

...But I like to believe that there’s more to my existence than what I am now. I want to believe that I will leave a legacy, a family. My grandmother married when she was young, it was a different era; one where women were expected to stay home and raise children, it was unheard of to be a working woman while you had a family. Luckily the world has evolved and now it isn’t as frowned upon. Still, to be a woman who never had a boyfriend even though I am 25 years old isn’t fun at all.

I say it’s because I’m a free spirit, no one can hold me down; I have an Arts major after all. But in reality there’s just no one worthy that has been interested. I’ve loved a couple of men but they didn’t feel the same. Still, I want you to know that is not okay to settle. No matter if you’re a girl or a boy. If you’re a girl then you must know that you are special and deserve respect; do not settle just because you don’t think you deserve more, every woman deserves a man that cherishes and knows that no is no. If you’re a boy then know I won’t hesitate to whoop your ass if you dare to disrespect a woman, you need to be a gentleman and treat her as a princess; as long as she is a good person, if she isn’t then never forget to be polite.

That said, there’s a couple of other things I’d like to say. Sometimes in life you’ll feel as if your world has ended and there’s no reason to get out of bed the next day. Trust me, there’s always a reason to keep moving on. One day you’ll feel better and realize that what had happened was for the best and if it wasn’t at least you learned from it. Thinking about people that have it worse than you helps to improve your mood because at least you’re not there yet, you’re still blessed in an area of your life.

The saying of doing what you want because you only live once is crap; seriously, don’t believe it. That’s what crazy people use as an excuse to something they shouldn’t have done. There are limits that shouldn’t be crossed. You want to be a gymnast then do it, but never do drugs or drink much. It might feel good at the moment but when your body feels its effects (many years later, or not that many) you’ll wish to never have done it in the first place. Be careful but not sheltered, be loving to those who deserve it, know when to let go and always help those who need it; but most of all, remember that happiness can be everlasting as long as you're true to yourself.

With love,

Your young grandmother who might never be.

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