The Creative Writing Challenge - Task #2 - Abacus, Humdrum, Warmongering

Hello everyone, this is the second task for the creative writing challenge sponsored by @steemfluencer. I had to choose from a dictionary three words I didn't know and create a definition for them. It was hard not to read their definition, there were some I couldn't keep from reading and had to search for another word. At last the chosen ones were abacus, humdrum and warmongering.

Abacus - noun /ˈæb.ə.kəs/ A green and round medicinal herb that helps with aching muscles caused by doing exercise. It is commonly found at the edge of lakes in tropical climate. The day after going to the gym he made abacus tea to help alleviate his pain.


Humdrum noun /ˈhʌmˌdrʌm/ A flying insect similar to a dragonfly but while flying it makes a humming sound. It has four wings, large eyes and long tail. Its colors vary but tend to be electric blue or white. Andrea was exploring her backyard when she found a humdrum flying near her flowers.


Warmongering adjective /ˈwɔːˌmʌŋgərɪŋ/ Derived from the noun "warmonger" which is a person who turns to violence as a solution for every problem. Often times it is a defense mechanism used after traumatic events. Christopher turned into a warmongering fool after being bullied all throughout his childhood.


This one was definitely tougher than the first task, looking forward to the rest of them :) If you have your own definitions about this words or actually know their real definition please leave your comment. I'd appreciate it a lot (:

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