The Creative Writing Challenge - Task #2

Hello guys,

You still have time to work on your task #1 (by this Midnight). I'm so glad that many of you have already submitted they posts and @flemingfarm has even decided to participate with 2 submissions! :O

Now, let me present the rules for Task #2.


Creative Writing Challenge

Take a look at your book shelves again. Pick a dictionary. Find a word which meaning you don't know. Don't read the definition, nor in the book itself and neither anywhere else.

Option 1:

Write an imaginary definition about the word. Then repeat the same exercise with 2 more words.

Option 2:

Write a short essay (min. 300 words) related to an unknown word. Use your creativity muscle and surprise us with something outstanding. Surprise yourself as well :). Both non-fictional and fictional essays are accepted.


If you go after Option 2 you are still free to write a definition of the unknown word, just for fun.

Taking snapshots from your dictionaries is optional this time, but it would be still cool if we are able to take a look at the fat dictionary you own.


Option #2 is a field so broad, that some of you might even write novels if that was the goal. You have thousands of options and approaches with basically all the unknown words out there.


As we initially announced weekends are not counted as usual days in the world of the challenge. This means that the deadline to submit the entry for task #2 is actually Monday night (Aug 7).

A kind reminder

Guys, obeying to the rules of the challenge force me remind you that you need to be consistent in your efforts and provide a post for each task. Those of you who really can't really keep up with the speed of the challenge could still submit their entries, however they won't participate in the group that will share the SBD award. I'll announce the participants who have submitted their posts on time in tomorrow's Creative Writing Challenge - Day 2 Diary.

Mentioning the price award: it's 10 SBD and the challenge is looking for generous sponsors to increase the prize pool.

It would be nice if more of you could survive to the last challenge. And keep in mind: the fact that I call something a challenges doesn't mean that you need to work on a tough task. Most of them are not. These will be mainly creative writing exercises - they allow a broad audience of interested in creative writing individuals to advance faster while following simple instructions. And everyone is improving their own writing skill.

Keep writing,

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