Don't be a Writing Zero, Be a Steemit HERO!

75 thousand words in a month. I had already spent my small advance so I had to perform. It was a post apocalyptic fiction novel and I was under strict contract.

Three weeks in I hit writers block so hard I had a concussion.

For three days I stared at my screen and produced… nothing. Nada. Zilch.

I TRIED to create. I really did. But it was all worthless trash I wouldn’t donate to the local thrift store. You know that old adage “One mans trash is another mans treasure?” Not the cr&p I was producing.

I really started getting nervous the third day. To make a word count of 75K in a month, that’s about 2350 words per day.

And they all had to match.

Suddenly it dawned on me- I had to switch it up. My instincts told me SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER AND STEP AWAY FROM THE OFFICE.

I gathered my notebook and pencil and stepped out into the brisk fall air. There was a little karaoke bar just a couple blocks away tucked into a corner alley, so I headed there. I’d drink a couple watered down cocktails and jot off a few stories inspired by the off tune belting masses.

You know, shake it up a bit.

It was a packed little joint. I was lucky to slide into an open stool beside the waitress station. I ordered a beverage and looked around. It was a gloriously inharmonious cacophony of contrary tunes.

And it was just what I needed.

I put pencil to paper and the words started flowing like promises from a candidates lips. The racket dissipated into a dull hum in the back of my awareness as I was transported to the world I was creating.

Several pages in I became aware of a nearby presence. I looked up to see a swaying man trying to determine which of the me’s he was seeing should be the one to focus his eyes upon. His pores must have been secreting whiskey so as to prevent alcohol poisoning- I had to hold my breath. Apparently he had been trying to keep balance right beside me for 6 songs- I was in his seat.

How did I not know?

Of course I gave his seat back to him but the moral of that story is I was so into my work that everything around me was on pause. I was in a loud bar with a smelly man who was threatening to pass out and take me out with him, but I was unawares.

I went home when the bar closed, transcribed my handwritten tale into Word, and continued to write for another hour or so.

Writers block does not have to inflame your good intentions and turn you into a junk churning sewage monster! If it attacks, fight back with a smile on your face, knowing you will prevail, and songs will be sung in your honor.

1. Different is Good

If you have writers block, or lack inspiration, switch it up! That day I traded my quiet office and computer keyboard for a pencil and notebook and loud bar. If you usually work in your bedroom take it to the living room, or a local coffeeshop. If you’re really lacking inspiration go to the zoo. People and animal watching there is guaranteed to strike some creativity in you!

2. Free Write

If you can’t think of something to write about, just start writing anyway. Free you mind and just let the pencil move without thought. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Do not stop writing. When the timer beeps read what you wrote. Something in there will spark an idea.

3. Read

Head over to the trending section and read what happening. Take a stroll through Discord and chat with fellow Steemians. Pick up that novel you bought last month and have been dying to find the time to read. To be a great writer you have to read. Fiction, non fiction, news- you never know where inspiration will strike so I just read everything.

4. Don’t Write

Do something else. Anything else. Check out a new show on Netflix. Take a walk. Go across town and visit your friend you’ve been neglecting. (While you’re there you can show her your Steem stats and try to get her to sign up. Again.) Just step away from your computer and go do something else.

5. Take a Shower

Or a dip in the pool. Water and the area surrounding it has negative ions which help balance, renew and recharge.

Don't be a writing zero! Be a Steemit HERO!

Writing is hard work. There’s no doubt about that. But it doesn’t have to be frustrating. Write on Steemians!

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