How to enchant and engage your beloved Steemit followers

Let the taste linger in the Steemians mind...

See what I did there?


Hello my fellow Steemians! I hope you are all doing well!


We’ve all been there. You wrote a long and thought provoking piece and it’s gathering a whole lot of…


You begin to self-analyze and self-sabotage. You wonder if you posted at the correct time. You fret over the heartfelt content you worked so long on, and you try to ignore that little voice “what if they just don’t like me”.

Stop it! Stop it right now and take action!

Firstly, if you put in the effort and post and engage consistently, you will grow.

Secondly, be authentic. Make sure your writing is YOU.

But most importantly, anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Following are tips to help you make sure your posts are dripping quality and will keep 'em coming back for more.

1. Time Out

When your piece is finished, step away! Go get a cup of coffee, stretch and walk around a bit. DO NOT hit publish immediately. You worked hard, take a five minute break.

When you come back-

2. Read It

Out loud. Read it to your cat. Or your wall if you don’t have a cat. You will hear things that are off that you can easily correct.

3. Sweep the Dust Bunnies

Is that word necessary? Do you notice you use the same word over and over? Thesaurus is your friend.

Can it be simplified? Do you say the same thing over and over? Clean it up!

4. Don’t Be a Cannibal

Examine your punctuation, or lack thereof. There is a big difference between “Let’s eat Grandma” and “Let’s eat, Grandma.”

6. Embrace Zombies

Steer clear of passive voice. If you can add "by zombies" to the end of a sentence, rearrange that bad boy.

If you Steemit, they will come.

Here are a few helpful articles

Grow and Succeed on Steemit with these tools

Don't be a Zero, be a Steemit HERO!

My recent 500 follower milestone

Full STEEM ahead!

Thank you for your support!

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