There's a reason why you are here today reading this post

I was planning to do a fun challenge post but I ended up making this post - reasons absolutely unknown

So if you have been bought here you need to read this entirely and carefully as I believe there's a reason for everything

It's just 5 minutes of your time and I know most of you will read till the end :)

First of all Thank you for the awesome replies on the "Let's get to know each other" challenge.
I absolutely loved reading all the answers and Thank You for participating in it and if you haven't taken part yet here is the link Challenge

  1. I was asked by someone if I am only fun and games...If I would ever consider making a valuable post

  2. So I have accepted this challenge (I always wanted to write on this topic)

  3. I did some research and the more I kept looking for answers the more deeper it went

  4. It all links to one another.

  5. We have been lied about everything and are just puppets in this huge theatre called Life.

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So here's my findings below wherein i hope I could bring out the truth in some way.

"The Dirty War"

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  1. Lot of people think that the Syrian war started in 2011 but it actually began in 2000 when Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion 1500 km pipeline through Saudi Arabia , Jordan, Syria and Turkey(This pipeline is supported by United States Government in blue above)

  2. Now Assad(Syria) was against this because Syria's Ally Russia wanted a different route of pipeline.(This pipeline is supported by Russian Government in red above)

  3. Now both of these pipelines go through Syria and hence Syria plays the most important role.

  4. The so called powers of this world decide to overthrow the uncooperative Assad with a path to achieve the objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas pipeline.(the blue one supported by the United States)

  5. So now you know why Russia supports Syria in the war. It's because Syria backed Russia in the gas pipeline issue.

  6. Both United States and Russia wanted to have their gas pipelines in the middle East and establish their dominance.

  7. This is the very beginning of a war which has taken countless lives and made millions homeless and ruined peaceful nations. Everyone wants the power to control.

"The Dirty Plan"

  1. The CIA has been trying to topple the Middle East governments left right and center.

  2. Iran Syria Jorda Afghanistan the list goes on.

  3. And here is what the United States has to say " Our military support for the Syrian insurgency is purely humanitarian"

  4. We also hear them saying through the media that Assad is bad, Isis cut people's heads off and Russia is there so we are going to fix this...well has it been fixed yet or has it worsen?

"Controlled By Rothschild(Detailed post later)"

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Now these below are just some of the facts :

A. The Rothschild family is the wealthiest family on earth.

B. The central bank in every country is owned and controlled by the Rothschild family except for 3 countries :

North Korea , Iran and Cuba

C. Back In 2000, this list was longer as four other countries were also on the list :

Afghanistan , Iraq , Sudan and Libya

D. So now is it not obvious why these lands were invaded?

E. All that was needed was an horrible excuse to invade them and here comes 9/11

"The Truth about 9/11"

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President Bush said after the attack "Our enemy is a radical group of terrorists and every government that supports them" - what a joke...

9/11 was supported by the USA government throughout as evidences don't lie :

  1. On September 10 2001, a day before the attack former secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld made a shocking revelation that the Pentagon had $2.3 trillion missing

  2. This news had to be wrapped up and less than 48 hours later 9/11 took place

  3. One of the planes crashed in the Pentagon. Accounting offices in the Pentagon(containing information of the missing $2.3 trillion) were blown up and accounting offices based in New York building in the World Trade Centre were demolished as well in the attack.

  4. No one has ever heard of the missing $2.3 trillion again as all data was destroyed with the attacks

  5. The volume of short options suddenly increased in the parent companies of United Airlines on September 6 and American Airlines on September 10. This clearly shows some big people new the stock of these airlines would crash once the plane crashes and made huge profits on the crash day

  6. Have a space ghost in Osama to enter Afghanistan

"The Chemical Attacks in Syria"

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  1. You can have all the oil and gas you want but what kind of evil beings targets children with chemical attacks?The after effects of it?

  2. We can't go any lower than this..who can resort to such barbaric tactics? It's just shocking to watch children who have no role to play in your war suffer to such a degree.

  3. The media tells us that this was done by Syria which means the Assad Government did it

  4. For me this is pure mind manipulation.Syrian government have no reason to attack their own people.

  5. This was just an excuse for war and for the outside military to stay longer in Syria

"True Lies"

  1. First it was Saddam with the false claim that he had weapons of mass destruction

  2. Then it was claimed that Gaddafi was killing his own peopoe when actually he was going to unite Africa and the middle east

  3. Now it's Assad and claims that he is poisioining his own people

  4. All this evilness and killing to gain control of the Oil and Gas in middle East

"Stanley Meyer killed because he knew how to turn water into fuel"

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  1. Stanley Meyer had invented a way to use water instead of fuel to run cars.

  2. This would have killed our dependence on fuel and related in millions of losses to the oil powers

  3. He died suddenly while dining in a restaurant

  4. He ran outside screaming "They poisoined me" and died

  5. Rumors are that he was killed to supress his inventions

  6. This is the kind of world we live in

"My opinion on what's happening"

  1. People are beyond brainwashed

  2. They are too busy watching football and talent shows just like Romans did with the collesuem.

  3. It's a distraction used by criminals to keep you focused on anything but the truth.

  4. Go to schools, keep your head down, get a job, get married, don't believe anything apart from what you are told to believe.

  5. Get a mortgage borrow money that does not exist and then pay with real money along with interest.

  6. Stay quiet Keep smiling and then say the magic words "Ain't it great to be free"

  7. We live in a world where we are manipulated and controlled by the elite and we have no clue about it.

  8. We are too busy with our problems and are constantly worried or are made to worry about money, future, goals, targets and so on


  1. What if everyone has been lying to us...the UN , NASA,...what if all of these are a distraction for us to divert our minds

  2. Why has the cure for Cancer and Aids not come out yet?Or has it come out and only the elite have access to it? After all it's a medical business which has a turnover in trillions if not more...

  3. What if there is no outer universe at all like NASA claims...where is the proof that space exists? Whats the difference between a space movie and a space video which NASA shows us?don't you think they can show us whatever they want to show?

  4. What if the moon which we see from earth is just an illusion to the eyes?

  5. What if the earth is flat and not round as we are made to believe in?

  6. As kids our brains are trained to believe in certain things and after a while even after seeing the truth in front of us our brain would sub consciously reject it...but what other choice do we have?

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Let me know in the comment section if you agree/disagree with me and if there are any possible solutions.

Our opinions may differ but I would love to hear your thoughts on this serious matter

The comment section is yours...Feel free to share your thoughts and thank you for reading as I know it's not easy for the brain atleast :)

Let's try to think differently and not in a way in which we are taught to think

It was a pleasure pouring my heart out.

Lots of Love,

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