Our solar system in a series of 11: The number five! In search of Venus!


The planet Venus is the second nearest to the sun, and it is the third smallest planet in our solar system. The word ‘Venus’ stands for love, beautifulness and fertility.

The name Venus came from the Roman goddess Venus. It is a known planet for many, and it is known for people and scientists have a broader view than just the relations and the hate at earth. We are in world space, and accordingly we can think as big as we want since the universe is expanding every second.

You meet a statement with a new statement in human nature and in nature. There should be no penalty reactions with a statement, since we are living and working here to take care of each other and to be together. And most people and organizations appreciate being positively related to human affairs! That is just domestic and foreign affairs. And all countries consist of human beings, animals and plants. We need the best research that is possible to examine what has ever been the situation at earth and in the universe. You can imagine yourself as being as big as you want as human!

The history to the planets is about understanding and analyzing the past, the present and the future. The past time can be understood and not understood, and you can frame itself with empathy in the persons you will like to play. All is about fitness and being in different bodies. Everything produced work is dependent on perception of an individual, a group or a society. The present is about perceiving what is happening from time to time, how it happened and why it happened. We can use statistics for the past and the present. And in the future, we can use predictions which are qualified guesses about what will ever happen!

Research is a new search about what we can know about something or about a person, and this knowledge must be true. That is what we are doing in all research environments. Some researchers are travelling and some are lazy and some are clever. You find all the variations within these systems as you find in all other systems. And you need long education and research, and mainly research background, to be a good or an excellent researcher. We are all in the same reality, but we are different, and we must accept that we are just not similar to each other. Similarity is in human nature, but your personality is the same and different from many other!

People have different backgrounds, different experiences and different education and research programs. Hence, we cannot be same, but our different knowledges, our intelligence and our human being define whom we are. In addition, we can change us from time to time.

The Italian physicist Galileo Galilei discovered that the planet Venus had the same phases as the moon. Hence, there are similarities and differences between different things in the universe, and the reality is relative. Accordingly, the relativity theory from Albert Einstein being at Princeton University changed our way to understand the life, the earth and the universe. As humans, you should not believe in anybody, if there is not any point with it. The best international conferences in philosophy and in physics can help us further, and we can examine things on our own, if there are no answers in sciences.


Venus is the twin planet to the earth, and it has the same greatness and the same mass, the same gravity, and the same composition of its materials as the earth. Venus is easy to spot in the sky, and it has been known through many human times immemorial, and this is not wrong story and not fantasy. The mean distance from Venus to the sun, is 0.7 times in relation to the earth. The circulation time is 225 days. So the year to Venus is 225 days, and as anybody knows it is 365 days for the earth. The temperature at Venus is the hottest ever in our solar system. The temperature at the surface is around 500 degrees celsius. Accordingly, humans cannot live there! One is seeing the planet Venus as a clear star just before the sun rise, and just after the sun set period. Venus is therefore called for the morning stones and the evening stones. One day at Venus is 117 days at earth, and that rotation time is due to the planet in relation to the sun. The venous passage occurs when the planet Venus is coming between the sun and the earth, and we can then see the planet Venus at the sun as a black spot. The planet Venus has no moon or no moons, and it has the same size as the earth.

The gravity at Venus is 8,87 m/s x s, and it is 9,807 m/s x s at earth. You need the best brains at earth to find patterns and none-patterns, and to explain from time to time what is going on. Every scientist is always in human nature giving advices, since the body is just living with a living heart and a good breath! You cannot evaluate anything with yourself unless you use the best in yourself coming from all or different angles.

Venus is light enough to cast shadows. If you look at what the sun does and what the moon does, they give light that implies shadows. Accordingly, we do not find light everywhere when it is light, but we find light where the conditions are good enough for that! If you are long to the north or long enough to the south at earth, the planet Venus is visible through the whole night. You can for instance do this vision in Tromsø in Norway!

You find atmosphere at the earth, and you also find it at Venus. But the composition of the atmosphere at Venus is different from what we are used to at earth. At earth, we can breathe naturally, and lifetime depends on where you are staying. Many people live longer in the districts than being too close to towns and cities at earth. Pollution is not a desired thing, and it is especially troublesome in Mexico city! The clouds consist mainly of sulfur droplets and of sulfur particles.

We can do whatever examinations and observations that is possible for the earth and the universe from the earth. And we can study the curves and the plots to find structures and none-structures. And the great thinkers Hubble and Lemaitre were engaged with this. What is nature? Where does it come from? And: How can everything be explained? Everything should be a simple as possible, but not simpler. Accordingly, there are similarities, differences, patterns and none-patterns in nature!

Photographs, which can be of every conceivable manner at earth, show a rocky and flat desert landscape. Radar studies show erase, rock formations and craters. And everything what we see, should be observed and it should be taken care of for doing analysis and writing research reports about what has happen, what is the situation now, and how it will be in the future. And scientific models should be used to explain what we experience, and about what our theories can tell us. Data and/or theories should also be used in different scientific disciplines.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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