The Wedding Dress - Foxtales week 9 contest entry

image drawn by @vermillionfox

This is my entry for week 9 of the foxtales contest.

The Wedding Dress

She wasn't exactly a poor girl. At least she didn't see herself that way anymore. She did grow up poor. Her family barely had enough to put food on the table and keep her and her 3 brothers and 2 sisters clothed. They struggled a lot. She had been working since she was 16 to help out with the family, waiting tables. She eventually moved out, when she was 22. That was just last year. She still sent money back home. She sent as much as she could afford. She kept enough to pay her bills, and keep her clothed and fed. She didn't let her family know how much she still struggled to help them. She didn't think she needed any more. Now, she stood, just a girl alone, struggling to survive and keep her family alive, with no time for dreams or love, standing before a store window. In that window, stood a beautiful wedding dress, covered in lace and pearls. For but a moment, her heart took flight, and took a chance to dream.

If you liked my short short story, leave an upvote and a comment below. Hell, if you didn't like it, still leave a comment below, with constructive criticism.
Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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