Diary of an Assassin Vol.7


Katherine was kneeling in the tub shaking, naturally considering what she had just been through.

I ripped a towel off the rack and threw it at her. I told her to cover up and that I wasn't going to hurt her.

My mind was racing, what the fuck was I going to do now?

I said to her "Katherine someone wants you dead.”

I continued..

“Now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're gonna answer them as calmly as you can, if you scream or do anything stupid you're not going to like the outcome."

"Do you understand me?" I said.

The young lawyer shook her head yes, her whole body was shaking but I felt I could trust that she was going to cooperate, after all what choice did she have?.. she was trapped in the tub naked with only a towel for defence.

I asked her, "Katherine you're pregnant?"

She shook her head again "yes."

I explained to her, "someone wants you dead, I've been paid a contract on your life and I always take care of my end of the deal.”

“The problem is, my wife is also pregnant right now, we're having our first kid so you can consider yourself very lucky that I'm having second thoughts about killing you tonight.”

“The fact is, I haven't been paid to murder two people."

She didn't say anything, her eyes were locked on mine and I knew I had her full attention.

Call it a captive audience..

"Now we both have a problem here Katherine," I said. "Whoever paid me to take your life will come after mine now for not honoring the contract that I've been paid to kill you."

She was still focused on me and I could tell she was digesting the information I was providing.

"They'll also just pay someone else to finish you so we have a few things to figure out here. I'm going to let you get dressed and we can continue our talk.”

I turned my back to her and let her get dressed, I watched in the bathroom windows reflection to make sure she didn't try to run.

When she was clothed I asked her to sit on the edge of the tub and I took a seat on the toilet. The two of us were only a foot apart and I continued with the questioning..

"Katherine can you tell me who would want you dead?"

Her eyes bounced around as she was processing what was happening. A few seconds passed by and she shook her head and said confused, "I..I don't know?"

I pressed on, "the fact is you must have someone that will gain from having you killed? I know you're a lawyer, have you put anyone powerful away lately or are you currently working on a case of any individuals influential enough to put almost a hundred grand on your head?"

"There's only one person I can think of that would have that kind of money." she said..

“Anthony Belesconi, he's a drug lord out of the Bay Area, he's currently out on bail facing a litany of charges. He's looking at upwards of 25 years if convicted." she explained.

The young lawyer continued, "my firm handed me this case and it's the biggest and most important so far in my career. It could really elevate me to a level most attorneys at my age could only dream of."

She went on, "Mr. Belesconi is very powerful and he's the only person I can think of that would have that kind of money you're talking about. Most of the people I've put away are lower level criminals and wouldn't have 100k to offer up. This is also the only case I'm working on currently, my firm wants my full attention on this and they're trusting me to see that Anthony's convicted."

She put her head in her hands, "I can't believe this, I have actually thought about the fact that I could be in danger, but I never truly believed this would happen!"

She began to cry.

"Katherine I need you to be strong" I said. I put my hand on her shoulder and she pulled back frightened.

I said to her, "the fact is now we're both going to be in danger if you're not found dead this week and the only way we're getting out of this is if I find and kill this man.”

“You're going to have to help me, do you understand what I'm saying here Katherine?"

"What do you need?" she said.

I'm going to need to know where to find this Belesconi cat? I figure if he's on the level you say he is, I can make it look like it was a rival hit and it shouldn't come back on either of us.”

She had an almost hopeful look in her eyes and I had a gut feeling I was getting thru to her, but I felt the need to reiterate..

"You understand the fact I'm the only one that you can help you right Katherine? If you go to the police you'll still be in grave danger. Belesconi will be alive and he's got the means to find us both.”

“The police cannot protect you and let's face it, your career will be ruined if you're in witness protection and you can't continue showing up to court, plus the fact you'll be living your whole life knowing he's able to touch you anywhere at anytime..even if he's imprisoned."

"I understand" she said. "What do you want or need me to do..what's your name? she said.

That doesn't matter but I need to know I can trust you and you'll just have to trust me. I know that's going to be hard given the fact I just about drown you in your own tub.

I cracked a sly smile as I did find our predicament slightly humorous.

"Yes" she said.

“Ok Katherine I have to get back to my wife now so I'm going to leave. You'll be ok here but tomorrow we'll have to meet and I'll need you to provide me with an address so I can find and execute Mr. Belesconi.”

Once he's out of the picture we can both try to move on and forget about all of this.

Katherine stood up and said, "you don't think I'm in danger being here alone?" She looked tense.

"No you'll be fine" I said.

"Right now Belesconi believes the fact I'm going to take care of you sometime this week so we have a couple days before any suspicion arises.

“I'm going to get to him before then so I just need you to keep quiet and lay low. I'll call you tomorrow and get all the information I need, got it?"

"I got it" she said, "do you want my number?"

I turned to the woman and pronounced, "I already know everything about you Katherine, I just didn't know you were pregnant..that fact saved your life tonight."

In spite of all she had just went through she smiled and said, “I don't think I can thank you but maybe I should?"

Don't thank me just yet" I said. "Wait until Anthony is dead first."

I stood up and went towards the bathroom entrance, "I'll let myself out and you'll be hearing from me tomorrow."

I walked out and got into the rented car parked down the street. I sat in the dark processing the events that just transpired when I heard my cell phone vibrating in the glovebox.

I opened it and read the name, it was Jessica.

I answered it, "hey baby, how was the spa?"

"Fine" she said, "where are you?"

"Oh I just went out to get a coffee," I lied. Do you want one?"

"Yes I'd love one but hurry back" she exclaimed, "I can't wait to see you!"

I told her I wouldn't be long and hung up. I started the car up and drove off down the street. I'd be returning tomorrow, I couldn't wait for this all to be over and get the hell out of the Sunshine state.

To be continued..

Incase you missed the last volume..


Thanks for reading,

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