[SHORT STORY] Dust Devil - Part 06

Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here

As Roe stood there facing down her opponent, she started to really miss her Defense System. Although the Companion did save her life just seconds before, the Defense System would have not been able to do that. But right now she felt – powerless. Proxy will also warn me of danger. She reassured herself. And should tell me where and when to dodge. I need to trust him if I am to make it out of here alive. Her clothing suddenly became armor however, Proxy apparently interpreting her inner thoughts. Maybe having a Companion wasn’t as bad as the other Hunters made it out to be.

The rival Hunter lunged. Roe side stepped the blade, and swung her Gladio. The Hunter managed to twist in mid-lunge and parry her blow. Roe was set off balance, the Hunter used this to punch Roe square in the face before trying a leg sweep of his own. Roe however jumped back right after the punch – dodging the leg sweep.

The Hunter grunted taking up his battle stance.

[3 minutes until shutdown.]

She had to finish this – fast. If Roe managed to beat her attacker only to shutdown afterwards, everything would have been for nothing. Perhaps the Martian would reach the Shelter and fix her Converter. But no. That was wishful thinking since he wouldn’t know how to fix a Molded body. Only a member of a Catevra would know how to do that.

The Hunter attacked again. This time he tried a series of swipes with his Gladio, Roe weaved through the attacks, graceful in her movement, as she performed a precise strike at her opponent’s elbow – cutting his left hand clean off.

She immediately raised her Gladio to block his attack however, as she knew that cutting another Hunter’s limb does nothing in terms of stagger, they had no pain receptors after all. Their blades pushed against each other as the Hunter snarled at Roe. This one was freshly Molded, his mind was still not fully recovered it seemed. She pushed him off her and jumped back.

[2 minutes until shutdown.]

This time it was Roe’s turn to attack. She faked left, before weaving through his weakened guard and punching his – air, he jumped back. Roe let out a huff of annoyance as she attacked the Hunter again, she had little time left.

Roe went left again, hoping the Hunter expected her to fake once more. She continued her swing however, resulting in another Gladio clash – the opposing Hunter barely blocked Roe’s blade. Roe let out a shout as she punched the Hunter’s face with her flattened left hand, dazing the Hunter. He staggered back, raising his Gladio to block Roe’s incoming lunge – she knocked his Gladio away with her swipe. The Hunter jumped back again.

This is my chance.

“Proxy. Stop all motor functions.”

What? Where was that voice

[5 seconds until Motor System shutdown.]

Proxy wait, please. I

[Hunter, your adrenaline and noradrenaline levels are rising at an unsafe rate.]

Proxy, what

Her hands fell to her sides as she slumped to the metallic floor. She couldn’t even lift up her head to see him, but she knew who it was. The bastard played her for a fool.

“Enable Speech, Proxy.” The Martian said. Roe heard footsteps getting closer.

[Speech enabled.]

A gloved hand grabbed her chin, lifting her head up. Roe saw the masked face of the man who had insulted her to the point of humiliation.

“Hello. Hunter.” The Martian said.

“You’re no Miner.” Roe said, more to herself.

“I never said I was.” The Martian said. “But it seems you jumped to your own conclusions, helping us in this endeavor we find ourselves in.”

His tone was so much more demanding, more firm. Was he really playing an act the whole time?

The Martian sighed. “It seems my teachers were right after all – you are a bunch of imbeciles. Mekile, finish the job.”

“You can’t!” Roe screamed. “The Agreement!”

“Your feeble mind can’t even comprehend, Roe?" He sneered at her. “Do not behead her however. The record already shows you have had a fight. The original plan failed. Perform a manual shutdown before she shutdowns herself from system failure.”

But Roe was not listening anymore. Saying her name like that – the final insult she would receive on this reached planet. She received them from her Mother, her Artificials and now – her supposed protectors. This, she did not know what this feeling was, she was so devastated she felt like crying, screaming. But she would not allow that.

They were right. Roe thought in her rage. Companions are just Martian tools, nothing more.


The Martian started waving his fingers in the air. Apparently his Display had not malfunctioned after all. The Hunter slowly approached her.

“Send message to Father, operation Dust Devil is a success.” The Martian said.

The Hunter kneeled in front of her. “Well fought.”

“Mother Gives.” Roe said, her voice hollow.

“Mother Takes.” The Hunter nodded. He reached at the back of her neck.

And Roe’s world was no more.

Part 7 - FINAL

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