WANTED - The Greatest John Lennon Solo Song - REWARD

Do you want to transfer your love of the music of John Lennon into some quick Steem?

Keep reading, join the fun, and find out how!

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." - John Lennon

The FabFour

Over the past several years, I have had the privilege of performing with Canada’s ultimate tribute to the Beatles. In my experience, it is clear that the love for the music of The FabFour is stronger than ever - even with younger audiences.

The FabFour on stage at Maple Leaf Gardens

In His Own Write

But what about the music of John Lennon’s solo career? Although, perhaps not not as universally well known, the catalogue of Lennon songs - post-Beatles - is still exemplary.

"I don’t believe in Beatles" - John Lennon

  • “Ya, but what about my REWARD?” you may be asking. Well, hang on mate!


You may have also read how John Lennon’s most beloved songs, "Imagine" has been in the news recently. Indeed, official songwriting credits have been split evenly between John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

In fact, John Lennon himself believed credit to his wife and artistic collaborator was long overdue: "Actually, that should be credited as a Lennon-Ono song because a lot of the lyric and the concept came from Yoko. But those days I was a bit more selfish, bit more macho, and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution."

You can hear all about it here: https://www.npr.org/2017/06/17/533368546/yoko-ono-joins-john-lennon-with-credit-line-for-writing-imagine

John and Yoko

  • “Yoko - Oh No! What about my REWARD?” you rightfully may ask. Well, here’s your opportunity to win…

Contest Question

Other than Imagine, what is your favourite John Lennon song (post Beatles) and why? Perhaps you could connect it to a certain memorable moment in your life.


Post your response(s) in the comments below. The most engaging and/or persuasive comment will win a RESTEEM of their most recent Blog post!


  • Contest runs from Friday, February 2 (3PM EST) to Sunday, February 4 (3PM EST).
  • Contestants must kindly upvote this post and at least one other response in the Comments below.


The Contestant (following all of the above rules) with the most engaging and/or persuasive comment will have their most recent Blog RESTEEMED!

Let’s have some fun listening to and sharing memories of John Lennon!


“Imagine all the people...”


Many thanks to all who participated - Loved all your song suggestions and memories!

Kudos to @veber88 for posting the winning comment as part of “The Greatest John Lennon Solo Song” contest!

Check out the "Give Peace a Chance" entry as well as the following Blog by @veber88 which has been RESTEEMED:

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