This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter's parts one and two before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #20


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God save ye, Cloudhead. How do you fare in this fine day? Wonderful, one would hope. As some of you may know, I got engaged last weekend, so I was having second thoughts whether I should post a chapter this week or not. I didn't want to bury that post beneath this was my main reason haha!

Moving on from the pleasantries, we pick up where we left Ledd and his fellow Sachaphoyans. Prito is up to his old tricks, and Lumpia is unimpressed as always. Adobo tries desperately to catch up, even though she doesn't need to. As Lumpia always says, "this isn't a race." Good luck telling Kinilaw to slow down! Sometimes I think that he's forced to put up a tough exterior because he's afraid of being rejected. What do you guys think? Have you ever felt the same way?

Also, what is up with Menudo lying to the gang? Little did he know that everyone, or at least Ledd, is on to him. Could he be hiding something terrifying? It's such a strange coincidence that he lied and didn't join the crew the same day as the giants invaded the town. Hmm...


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Wingsuit formation!

No? Jeez ... You guys have really gotten good at seeing past my thinly veiled attempts of misdirection. Okay, okay. I'll come clean.

My name is @jedau, and I'm a professional liar. I tell half-truths to entertain people, and I earn money (well, not for this post, or this whole series in fact) by making up stories. There. Are you happy now?

Anyway, this chapter provides a clearer view of Ledd's life before the Great War. Or, does it? Was this a memory or was this an elaborate ruse orchestrated by the giants to manipulate how he remembered his past? Was this a side effect of the memories he ingested a couple of chapters back? Am I ever going to answer any of these questions?

For the past 20 (wow! :o) installments, I've been spoonfeeding you the information and over-explaining things. In fact, it had been so bad that you've already gotten used to all of my tricks. Well then, allow me to throw you a curve ball!

How about this time I don't supply you with answers? How about that? You might ask "Well, who's Prito?" or "What the hell's an Adarna?" (FYI, it helps if you search for "Ibong Adarna" if you want to get credible results, unless you want your search to come up with pictures of a popular, yet controversial, sexy actress), well you're not going to find answers here!!

Haha nope, it's not that "time of the month." The last time I checked, I still haven't gotten my period. I've been consulting my mother (who's an OB-GYN) and she just looks at me like I'm a joke. This is a serious issue, woman! In all seriousness though, I just wanted to give you guys room to search for all of the Easter eggs I've peppered in this chapter. Minor spoiler, it's filled with tasty tasty references :D

We're 20 chapters into this, so you'll understand if I want to keep things fresh. Comment below the pictures of your favorite reference and let's discuss. Who knows, you might find even more references than I wrote :/

Oh! And one last thing...

Voting for witnesses is free, but your one vote could dictate the course of this platform. So, choose your witnesses carefully. With that being said, please support @lukestokes by going to this link and voting for lukestokes.mhth (currently at 40 during writing). He's an awesome individual who really takes time to listen and offer his thoughts to anyone. A huge boon to the community, he's been an active member for almost a year now. He's trustworthy, transparent and dependable--all the traits you would want for a witness. So do your part to help Steemit now :D

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!


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