This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #22


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We're nearing the end, Cloudheads :( It has been such an awesome journey, and I'm glad that I've had the pleasure of spending with you all. I'll save the thanksgiving post for the last entry, and I just wanted to use this post as my last explanatory one.

A Day in the Clouds has provided me the opportunity to create a world that coexisted with reality. The story allowed me to flex my literary muscle and write in the first person for the first time in my writing career. It allowed me to write a politically charged narrative that hid itself between an intricate layer of highly interwoven fiction. Most importantly, it allowed me to give back to people in need without expecting anything in return. But, I'll expand more on this in the last episode.

So, in this chapter, we see Ledd perform an escape of sorts. When I was a child, I was deathly afraid of the dark. The shadows that hung on the walls always seem to play tricks on me. There's just something about darkness that was unnerving. But, that was then. Nowadays, I am vengeance! I am the night!

Really though, that fear had roots of deep-seated trauma. So, if there's a psychiatrist out there who takes STEEM as payment, please hit me up on the comments section.

Ledd's more corageous than I ever was though. If it were me, I wouldn't even have traversed those stairs. I'd rather suffer through being a giant than to journey in total darkness. I just adopted the dark, I wasn't born in it or molded by it. I know that darkness isn't my ally. I'd rather be blinded by light, than to wade around the dark aimlessly.

Okay, enough Batman quotes. Batman isn't my favorite DC character anyway.

One would argue that it wasn't courage that he felt, rather his actions were spurred on by ignorance. But, isn't courage but a triumph against fear by ignoring its existence? There are so many things that can be said about this, so feel free to discuss it in the comments section.

Filipinos, especially in the province and particularly the males, usually stay up late at night just trading stories, or playing cards, over alcohol and snack, which are called pulutan (from the word "pulot", which means "to pick"). It usually happens late at night until the sun rises. That's the activity that the night watch giants were engaging in. It just fitted so nice with the story.

@verbal-d, @dreemit and ryivhnn were right when they guessed that the creature with the chains is a dog. I think everyone knew that as well, yes? It's a case of everyone but the main character knowing something. I wanted to present a lingering "final boss" that wasn't a new character when Ledd encounters it. That's why I've been teasing it since the earlier chapters. You just know that there's going to be a confrontation eventually. I just hope that you weren't disappointed with it. His name was Hash, and I don't have a picture of him because he had already been given away. Keep in mind that it's already late at night, and I can't have a dog biting a young kid, now can I? Well, I guess I can since this is fiction!

While we're on the topic of the time setting, what are you feeling at that time of your day? Are you out and about partying, or are you curled up in your bed snoozing? As Ted Mosby famously said, "nothing good happens after 2 A.M."

That holds true for my case. Just a few years ago, I was a night owl. It was my attempt to deny my inherent introversion. I hung out with a group of extroverts, trying to adapt to their nature. It turned into a grand failure, but at least I have tons of stories that came out of the experience. I had performed jumping jacks in the middle of the road, I've been chased out by the owner of a drinking establishment because I drank in his glass, I shared a taxi with a transvestite hooker, I've accidentally stopped a mugging, and those are just the tip of the iceberg! I have tons more crazier stories haha! But, this post isn't about me, I just wanted to mention that in case it would entice anyone of drunk experiences posts.

Ledd has had many brushes with death, and he had been very lucky. Older people in my country would say that he's being watched over by angels. The same can be said about me, as I have tons of stories regarding close calls. But, again, this post isn't about me. Have you had any brushes with death? How did you feel after? Let me know in the comments section, I would love to hear your tale!

With that, I wrap the second to the last :'( edition of SILVER LINING. You've already read this much, might as well read the last chapter of A Day in the Clouds, right?

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