Relatos cortos / Short Stories / #2


Below the part in Spanish is the translation into english.



Neuerburg, Alemania.

Sus oídos retumbaban con la batería y podía jurar que el solo de guitarra se escuchaba a kilometros de allí.

-Cuando escribí esta cancion en el garage de mis padres jamás pensé que sería coreada por 40 millones de personas.

Y con su voz grave siguió dando el concierto de su vida. Pero minutos después el concierto fué cancelado, el baterista habia sufrido un ataque al corazon.


Simultaneamente en Buenos Aires - Argentina


El final perfecto de un discurso excepcional para un concierto impecable.

Pero en los pasillos de los lockers del estadio de River Plate un hombre mayor de baja estatura y escaso cabello caminaba sudando intentando llegar a los baños, sobre las orejas tenia dos nubes blancas de cabello rizado y llevaba puesto unos pantalones de tirantes y una camisa blanca de botones, una vestimenta muy vintage o antigua; a mitad de pasillo su mano se poso en su pecho como si sintiera un gran dolor sus ojos estaban desorbitados, balbuceaba cosas en idiomas distintos intentó sacarse la cabeza con las manos pero su intento fué en vano.

Terminó su camino hacia el baño apresurado y allí frente al espejo maldijo el dia de su nacimiento, golpeó su cabeza una y otra vez contra el espejo pero sus alucinaciones cada vez eran más fuertes y los golpes no las detenian. ¿veía o no su reflejo en el espejo?

Fué encontrado en horas de la mañana cuando el estadio recien abria.



Neuerburg, Germany.

His ears echoed with the drums and he could swear that the guitar solo was heard miles away.

-When I wrote this song in the garage of my parents I never thoug that It would be sung by 40 million people.

Whit his grave voice he kept going the concert of his life. But few minutes later the concert was canceled, the drummer had suffered a heart attack.


Simultaneously in Buenos Aires - Argentina.


The perfect final of an exceptional speech for a impeccable concert.

But in the hallway of the lockers in the River Plate Stadium an older man of short stature was walking sweating trying to reach to the bathrooms, uppon the ears he had two white clouds of curly hair and was wearing a pants with suspenders and a white shirt of buttons, a vintage or old fashioned clothing; in the middle of the halloway his hand posed in his chest, he was feeling a huge pain. His eyes were exorbitant and he started to babbling things in different languages he tried to get his head out with his hands but his attempt was in vain.

He finished his way to the bathroom hurried and there in front of the mirror he cursed the day of his birth, beating his head again and again against the mirror but his hallucinations were each time more stronger and the the hits don't stop them. Did he could see his reflection in the mirror or not?

He was found in the morning when the stadium was opening.


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You can read my last post:

Relatos cortos / Short Stories / #1

Thinking in textures // Flames and Banner!! :D

Thinking in textures // Double Exposures - Playing with photoshop

Real life Story // Metro of Caracas // Original content

Thinking in textures // Snake skin

Day Six: Seven Days of Black and White Challenge!!

Day Five: Seven Days of Black and White Challenge!!

Double Expousure in sepia // Jokossita's free time

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