Silence in Time - A Steemit exclusive sci-fi thriller. Chapter 3.

Please catch up to the previous chapters - Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Recap: Some time in the future, W, a woman in her mid-thirties, is a master assassin. She sets out on an assassination mission, but just before she can pull the trigger, she collapses. She wakes up to find herself in a state of total retrograde amnesia - she can't remember anything that happened before that point. She tries to find out who she is, but her preliminary efforts are met with failure. But she begins to feel her heightened skills - she knows she was a spy, a saboteur or an assassin.

Silence in Time - Chapter 3

Her dress was a mass produced product - a dead end. There were no matches for her photograph, neither for her fingerprint. There was only one last item remaining to be investigated - the improvised silenced pistol.

Alas, unlike the dress, she couldn't just walk into a weapon shop and inquire about the make. So she resorted to the dark net. After a week, she finally had a contact - a master arms dealer who agreed to look at her pistol. Only problem - he was bloody expensive.

In this week, she had become aware of her formidable skills. A real ninja. She could infiltrate places effortlessly, hack computers, manipulate people. Thus far, she has used her skills to gather information about herself. But now, the time has come for big money.

Reluctantly, she took up a job for a criminal gang on the dark net. Her job description - assist with a heist. Her job was simple, infiltrate through the back door of a bank, and shut down the alarm system. It all went according to plan. However, she felt guilty. She wondered if she could really have be an assassin - her conscience felt strong.

With the funds gathered, she met the underground weapon master. He checked out the pistol but was completely flummoxed. He had never seen anything like it. He said there are a thousand different parts, but he has no idea how it came together. W knew this - but had hoped the master gunsmith would have a brainwave.

There we are. Back to square one. It has been three weeks since W lost her memory. Yet, she is just as far away from uncovering her identity. Dress, gun, no traces whatsoever.

W was a good investigator, but before her amnesia, she was an even more masterly stealth artist. It's almost as if she did not exist. A ghost, a shadow, a master assassin.

There is just one last thing that she must try...

(to be continued)

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