The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part One

The forest is ancient and isolated, the air cool so it felt good when filling the lungs.  

A slight breeze carried the strong scent of oak, a flock of bargery birds took flight creating a commotion as they took to the air, unfortunately revealing Nathans general position to his pursuers.  

He pushed his way through the dense terrain, looking to hide and seek protection of the trees.  With inches to spare, a mages fire ball crackled and shattered the bark of a nearby Nargoo tree, striking so close to Nathan’s face he felt his flesh sizzle.  

“Stop, make it easy on yourself Nathan” the wizard monk Bargee bellowed from far behind. 

Ignoring his words, frightened and running for his life, Nathan dodged and launching himself over brush and log. Another fire ball, this time stronger and much more intense, smashes a rock to his left, leaving a permanent black char and obliterating the lizard that once stood there. 

The forest was biting, striking and unforgiving to Nathan grabbing and restricting his movement, branches and thorns tore at his meager robe and chewed into his flesh as he forced his way through.

Nathan could hear the voice of his pursuers grow closer, people he knew, people who he once called family, now the enemy hell bent on his destruction. 

Cont. to Part Two here

I know I'm not the world best fantasy/Sci-fi writer (my spelling and grammar is a bit rough so this won't help).

 This is the first time I have attempted to write a book (if you don't include Interactive fantasy/IBT - choose your own adventure style posts I do).

If the Upvote for this first concept page is doing good (say at least $5), I will continue the story and commit to posting story progress every day or so.

If it seems like It will just be lame and yet another wannabe writer on Steemit; I'll drop the idea and move on.

Cheers and please feel free to be honest and leave a reply


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