The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Two

Cont. from Part One

Nathan thought to himself, why me? how could this be happening?

Shaking his head and struggling to keep his breath he pushed on against the unrelenting forest, breaking branches, leaping over fallen logs, he would flee the distant voices and leave the danger far behind.

Lungs on fire, grasping, tearing, and breaking the foliage he pushed forward through the dense forest... was that a natural clearing up ahead?

The forest ambience dark and wet, he felt drawn to the clearing where the suns rays were breaking through the canopy overhead, he made his way towards the light. With much effort he finally emerged into the natural clearing, the sunlight's brightness briefly hurting his eyes.

With a moment to rest, he looked down at his shaking and swollen hands, he also noticed his robe, tattered and soaked with sweat and blood.

Near exhausted, he wiped at the tears rolling down his face and collapsed to his knees shaking uncontrollably, overcome by grief, he began to break down and cry.

“There he is!, he’s mine”, came the familiar voice of one of his pursuers, suddenly much closer then before.

Turning and peering back through the woods, he caught a glimpse of the unmistakably bright red coloured robes of Bargee his mentor and until today, his oldest and dearest friend.

With little forest lore and no idea what to do next, he forced himself up to his feet and started probing the forest way for an escape route, any escape, there must be a way out? 

To his right he could see blue sky through the trees, perhaps a cliff and certain death? to his left a possible path through the forest ahead, yes perhaps an animal trail there to the left, that could be his salvation!

Taking a deep breathe he started to sprint for the trail to the left.

Before he could move more then a few steps, the trail lit up! a blaze before his eyes, an intense super heated wall of red flames leaped up and swept towards him blocking his path and forcing him to jump and fall backwards and away from the burn. Powerless against such magic he could do nothing but raise his arms and hands to protect his face from the overwhelming heat.

The forest was damp, and so the fire short lived, the flames dissipating quickly causing only superficial burning and pain to his already aching hands and arms… he was sill alive.

With no choices remaining, he got to his feet, found courage and turned. 

Gathering his inner strength he prepared to use magic, his only option now to take the life of another he cared for, this would be the second time today.

Cont. to Part Three here

I know I'm not the world best fantasy/Sci-fi writer (my spelling and grammar is a bit rough so this won't help). 

 If the Upvote for this second concept page/part is doing good (say at least $5), I will continue the story and commit to posting story progress every day or so. 

I have done this second part as it seemed like the first one was a bit too short and I want to gauge the Steemian community properly for opinion.

-I guess the question is, is the poor use of English and grammar excusable enough to continue the story? how much do Steemians care? or should I just throw it in as a good story must meet a reasonable standard to be postable...haha is this a word?

Feel free to post honest replies.



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