The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Eleven

Cont. from Part Ten or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan sat in the dim light of the cave entrance continuing his conversations with Sharee. 

There was something soothing about this, he realised he liked hearing her gentle voice in his head. He learned that she was responsible for healing his wounds, that she was able to feel the pain of his injuries and had nature magic at her disposal, to which she rapidly deployed to mend the flesh.   

Sharee told him more of nature magic and he was intrigued to learn she was also able to nourish him and keep his body hydrated as well. 

This left him with many questions… he had only ever known fire magic which could destroy, not mend.   

They continued to converse and she instructed him in a special way to communicate directly, vs. speaking out load. It was a kind of meditation technique where he would picture an image of Sharee and then a magical string connecting their two minds. This wasn’t an easy thing to learn, but it wasn’t all new, he had done some mental training with monks in preparation to be a fire mage and Sharee was a good teacher.   

For what felt like hours he sat within the relative safety of the cave, practicing this mind chatting technique with Sharee until it was mastered. He found he could now simply ask Sharee a question in his mind and she would respond. 

“Sharee, can you please tell me more about nature magic?” he asked her concentrating on her image and sending her the words with his mind string as taught.

“There are a number of spells, but these have been lost to your world for centuries”  

“What do you mean?”

“No one practices Nature magic anymore, all the spells  are lost  and all the shards were destroyed centuries ago, bar one.. the one you now possess”.    

“...Why was this one not destroyed?"

“Because the shard you have cannot be destroyed..It contains the origin of all nature magic…it contains me”.   

He paused and tried to think, he had spent a life learning the incantations for fire magic, now he was stuck with a nature magic shard, a voice in his head and no magic spells.

“Soo….If all the incantations/spells are lost how will I benefit from a nature magic bond?”   

“We are bonded for life, I know all the spells...From within the  Augra I can teach you everything you need to know”     

“Can you please tell me more of the Augra?”   

“It is a kind of prison for me... a place where I exist in a greater state and you are the lesser”.    

“What does that mean?”   

“It’s not something I can easily describe…However, you should know, I can teach you nature magic spells from the Augra and you will be able to bring them back into your reality”.   

He paused for a moment..

“Sharee can you take me back to the Augra, now!”  

All most immediately, in the speed of a blink he had jumped into another reality. 


He was back in a dream, no it was the Augra....but this time it looked different, a different location and much brighter, it was during the day.  

He took a deep breath and turned to Sharee

“Lets get started, I want to learn every spell!”.    

Cont. to Part Twelve here

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