The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirty

Cont. from Part Twenty Nine or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Nathan didn’t want to be a Lord, he just wanted a place to feel safe…this wasn't suppose to happen.  

“Just go with it for now Master, it could be fun” said Sharee giggling and speaking softly in his head .  

The older lady introduced herself as Assandria  and offered to be his advisor...he had no idea what this meant? but it  would be nice to have a friend.   

“My Lord a carriage awaits outside to take us  back to Stragarfelt Keep, there is much to discuss... but you must be tired and  in need of rest?” said Assandria staring him up and down and turning her nose up at his clothes. 

“Yes I am tired....and some new rags wouldn’t go astray”, he said looking down at himself and laughing. 

With this he was escorted out the heavy door of  the church to find a number of carriages awaiting, he was shown into the  largest carriage. 

He had never been in a carriage before and the concept of hoping into a vehicle pulled by animals puzzled why wouldn't you just ride a horse?

He went with it and entered as directed the driver bowing his if  giving his respects. 

Assandria moved around the other side and whispered something to one of the others before hoping in through the door opposite him.

The inside of  the carriage was unusual and not very spacious. It consisted of two padded benches facing each other, Assandria sitting opposite made him feel self anxious.... there wasn’t much space but it certainly was exciting.    

Before they knew it the vehicle was moving and they were moving along the road and leaving the town.  He watched the country side go by in silence, but his eyes were getting very heavy, he wasn’t sure if it was the battle or  the motion, but he felt the sudden need to sleep.   

Assandria noticing his fatigue opened a small chest under her seat and removed a flash looking cushion with a strange emblem sewn onto it. She handed it his direction.   

“You must be exhausted Sire, it’s not much I know but it’s the best we have…take this and sleep”.   

Nathan took the soft cushion and placed it against the inside wall and allowed his head to rest on it. It was like heaven.   

“Master I can take us to the Augra and have you up in no time” said Sharee suggestively in his head.  

“No thanks, I just want to feel normal...just for a bit”

…And with this he fell to sleep, No Augra, no Sharee just plain old dreams    

His dreams were the stuff of nightmares, he had  strange visions...he was the  leader of a mighty army, amidst a great battle and surrounded by strange creatures and people fighting and killing each other... Killing others was something he was now coming accustom to, he hated it and the dream was bringing back his feelings of remorse.

A jolt of the carriage woke him abruptly, he was sweating profoundly and he could smell himself...he needed a bath and he felt ashamed. 

He looked outside,  it was now dark outside so he could only just make out the passing of trees and houses, they must have been traveling a very long time.


He wasn't sure where he was? it was obviously a different town they were passing though.... looking around inside the carriage Assandria seemed to have her eyes closed and was resting...what should he do?he just pretended to go back to sleep.   

“Sharee....Take me back to the Augra!”   

And within a moment he was back, it was night and he was in a strange and wonderful forest again. Like previous visits he could feel the abundance of nature magic and he had a strange realisation, he was getting addicted to the place....pretty soon he would have to visit daily to recharge. He wasn't happy with the thought of needing something like this.

Sharee was there, standing in an open field  the twin moon light overhead, her strange skin, her sensual image alluring, the attraction powerful, she was so beautiful!....yet right now he wished he had never met her at all.

Cont. to Part Thirty One

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