The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirty Eight

Cont. from Part Thirty Seven or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Exlar screamed out an ear piercing sound…some kind of war cry and she launched her self forward swinging her sword as she moved forward. 

The incoming attackers carrying pitch forks, spear and sword seemed less worthy yet not less brave, continued their own screams as they ran towards her.   

Weapons clashed and Exlar was now parrying with the enemy, they quickly surrounded her jabbing at her like a ferocious caged animal being teased.

Nathan was shocked by the scene, he had never seen such hatred as he saw in the eyes of these attackers…something didn’t add up and he wasn’t keen on killing more people.   

He connected his mind strings to the nearby vines in the unattended gardens and asked them to grow, and they did. Creeping vines burst from underneath their feet, including Exlar and wrapped themselves around the combatants legs working their way up.  Some swiped at the plants in vein, one tried to turn and run, but the vine grabbed his foot, so he fell only to be swarmed and entangled on the ground.   

Another two attackers emerged from the hole in the wall, one was huge! it was the largest man he had seen in his life. The other wore spectacular armour, it caught the moon light.  

“Master he is a balancer, be careful “ spoke Sharee softly in his mind.  

“What is a balancer?”   

“When humans are born master, you have a natural affiliation to magic. Take yourself, you are naturally gifted in creation and nature magic, hence you were able to bond with me so easily”

“Go on..”   

“Take Charok a natural fire mage a destroyer and able to bond with my brother. In the middle of the scale is a balancer, someone who cannot learn either magic, instead destined to live a life magic-less”    

“I don’t see how this matters right now? he has a weapon in hand and that’s dangerous enough in this world”   

“With the right instructor a balancer can learn to deflect both kinds of magic, they can be invulnerable to magic..the knowledge of balancers has been lost over the ages, but I can sense them”.   

Exlar screamed,  trapped, immobilised and entangled, she could do nothing as the balancer charged her sword directed at her head.   

Nathan connected with the roots under the earth and a large wall of root and dirt erupted from the ground, creating an impenetrable barrier between Exlar and the balancer stopping him in his tracks.   

The large man charged at him, a crude axe in hand and blood lust in his eyes.


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