The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirty Two

Cont. from Part Thirty One or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Two days passed and no sign of EM...

Valar put on his armour, his sword belt and shield... all clean and ready after a night of care and polish.

He had packed a day bag with some dried fruit and meat, approx 2 days supply. He was ready to leave with or without the others, but just as he reached for his bag he heard someone cry out...

"It's EM she's back!. Everyone, it's EM she's back".

He paused, left the bag and exited his tent to checkout the commotion.

To the north of their camp he spotted the incoming patrol....Em was at the lead.


Jack appeared from his tent and immediately ran up to hug Em, she had joy written all over her face...he was some what envious of their closeness,  he had no one left in his life to feel that way.

He walked over to the camp kitchen area, grabbed a cup and plunged it into the boiling water. He filled it with leaves of the strange tea and joined the others.

"Here you go Em, I'd nearly given up" he said handing her over the tea and looking down the path at the new comers.

There were about 20 or so rogues, men and women making up the ranks. They didn't look like much, but most had looked like they had seen a fight before....It would be enough.

He turned and went back to his tent as the new comers settled in around the camp fire, some of the locals hugging others... old friends or family reuniting.

Returning his shield,  he quickly rejoined the others taking a seat next to Em putting his hand on her shoulder as he sat down...Did Jack just give him a look? could he be jealous...

"Well it took a bit longer then we wanted ya know, but things ave changed a bit" said Em looking at Jack and then back his direction.

"Whats happened Em, don't leave us hanging" replied Jack tentatively, all smiles and eyes on Em.

"The Lord has been killed and replaced...some kind of unknown magician defeated him!".

Valar thought about it for a moment..

"This changes nothing, I'm still going down there to string up the Lord and tease out this fire king!".

"...Of course Valar, it's just surprising...we are all with ya, lets get move'n,  this ends tonight!"

Cont. to Part Thirty Three

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