The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Twelve

Cont. from Part Eleven or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

The Augra was a magical world which was closely linked to normal reality.   

Through Sharee’s teachings in the Augra Nathan now had a basic understanding of nature magic, using focus and mediation techniques he was now able to connect not only with Sharee but to the trees and plants around him in this magical place as well.

“This world is one parallel to your own, it always exists as your own does..It’s just the people in your reality have forgotten how to see it, how to connect with it” explained Sharee standing closely by his side   

She moved in front of him, almost a glide and sat down and crossed her legs, her form now more easily to see in the sunlight. He was impressed, her female shape, the way nature was woven into the fabric of her skin,  her exposed breasts catching his eye.. she was exquisite in every way, but it wasn't just physical attraction, there was more..   

Trying not to stare he looked away and starred at a nearby vine wrapped around a tree…time to focus on something else he thought.   

“I…so....can you please tell me about this vine?.. Like I can see a kind of energy emitting from it, I can connect to it easily with my mind string…. I... almost feel like it can speak”   

Sharee giggled “It can speak… it’s just you can’t hear it, even here in the Augra you are not that powerful in nature magic”   

“…What does it say Sharee?”

“haha it likes you…” she smiled looking up at him, she seemed to be trying to read she was wanting to say something more but wouldn't...or couldn't. 

“Here nature magic is the greater and you are the lesser master…in your reality you are the greater and nature magic is the lesser, it's difficult to explain...”.   

He started to understand and concentrated further on the vine, through his mind string he pictured the vine moving…. and it did!!.

“What the?…I can control plants?”   

“No not control them master, they simply like you and did what you asked”   

“…In time you will be able to connect to the trees, the rocks, the earth benefit your feet, the wind, the rain, the sky, these things are all speaking too you…they all like you too master”   

He felt like he had learned something new, something special... it was like he had unlocked a piece of his mind that was always there, but hidden..

Suddenly he felt strange, unwell,  faint and that he was struggling to breath..   

“What is happening Sharee” he dropped to his knees gasping for air.   

“Master something is happening to our…I mean your physical form in your reality, I must return you there now”.   

In a flash, he was back in the cave, in the darkness chocking on dust, covered in  rock and dirt.  

He was being dragged, lifted... his neck and chest felt sore like burning, something had him,  he was being pulled upwards by a rope caught around the top of his body. 

Suddenly sunlight,  he was above the cave, being dragged up the side of the ravine, dangling with nothing he could do but try to hold onto the rope.  


His vision was blurry, he hadn’t shaken of the dream of Augra yet and the sunlight hurt like his eyes, like he hadn’t seen it in days. 

He spat out a mouthful of dirt, his skin and robe catching against sharp rock as the rope continued to tug him up, he was being dragged to the top of the ravine.

Pulled up and over,  he immediately felt hands on him as he was grabbed under each arm by a hooded monk,  lifting him to his feet.   His vision cleared he made out the face of a third monk in front of him, it was  Jarred.   

He had a wicked smile “At last we found you,…I’m going to enjoy this!”   

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