The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Twenty Five

Cont. from Part Twenty Four or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

 A new chapter – Unexpected friends

Nathan sat staring into the fire, poking it with a stick the flames jumped with the disturbance.

It was a cold evening and as the wind rustled through the trees, it almost sounded like they were speaking to him.

He shuffled closer to the fire, it was warm and thawing out his hands nicely. 

Sleeping outside was taking it's toll on his robes, he took a moment to inspect them, they looked more like rags now, torn and stained.  

"Master I can warm us if you like?" said Sharee from inside his head.

"It's ok... I want to feel the cold for bit" he replied, quickly standing and moving away from the flames.

He looked down at the village in the valley below, the streets busy with activity. The people were preparing for night, candle light sprang to life in the house windows and the sun started to set. 

It had been weeks since he had seen another another person and he wanted to sleep in a bed and feel normal again. 


“Master there is something I must tell you”

“What is it Sharee? ...You can tell me anything” 

“I have knowledge of this village master.... it has changed allot, but I recognize the church at the end of town”.   

A spark of hope entered his mind, he didn't know anyone outside the monks of his home village, but maybe Sharee did?

“Please Sharee tell me more!, do you think they would welcome us there?” 

“The church is old, I visited with my last master and we stayed a while...they helped us hide from our enemies"

"....but that was a long time ago Sharee, and those people would be dead and gone?"

"Well...the people who we stayed with were supporters of my masters order, they helped us to hide us!, perhaps the descendants will be similarly kind?"

He thought for a moment, he had no one left in this world who cared about him and he couldn’t live on in the wilderness for ever, he needed to learn more about his nature magic powers... perhaps these people might be kind and also help fill in the gaps. 

It was settled, tomorrow they would hit the town.

Cont. to Part Twenty Six

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