Five minute free write - Picture prompt

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Another day another Five minute free write

Brought together by @mariannewest. Today's prompt was something I haven't worked with before, an image. The piece was a picture of a man walking down a disused hallway with a flashlight, look of concern on his face. So, I decided to run with it in my normal, dark, direction, hehe. Like I've said over my last several posts, I'm working on the whole fiction aspect of my writing. Getting used to using my imagination against, dreaming of other things, not just those I've experienced.

It's definitely not my best piece, but when trying new things they so rarely are jewels. I guess that's the fun and challenge of it. The whole reason people come together in a community like this. To try something new and see what people think. The more you do the same thing, the more you get stuck in that rut, the harder it is to get out and grow.

So, before I get stuck in some deep philosophical rut

Here is what I wrote on the killer Most Dangerous Writing App. Not for the weak of heart, hehe.

The rain came in unending torrents

Soaking through what little protection he wore. Wind threatened to lift him to the heavens with each gust that tore like knives into every unexposed surface. It stood in front of him. Long unused, dark, tales untold hiding within it's walls.

He was searching, seeking, looking for the one they had taken from him. Days, weeks, months, he'd been on the road. From clue to clue, place to place, and in the end, it had brought him here.

The door was stiff, the knob refused to turn. Putting his shoulder into it cracked it a bit, enough to squeeze through. Drenched, breathing hard, he came into the entryway.

Open, dark, smelling of old things and dead things.

The building shuddered, again and again. The storm outside refusing to give pause.

The batteries in the light worked. 'Thank god,' he thought to himself. Shucking off his soaked coat, he looked around.

Where could she be? Why would they take her here? To what purpose?

Why had any of this happened?

There was no answer, at least none that he could discern after all those miles, all those people, yet they had taken her.

But who were they? Dark, mysterious, seemingly with no purpose.

I wonder what was about to happen...where exactly was he...who was she...who were those people that had taken her...and is it too cliche to have a story like this set in a rainstorm?

I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by and reading! :)

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