Don't Stop Posting!!

Darth 2.jpg

You can't do this...
I feel the conflict within you,
let go of your hate!

Don't stop posting.

Don't ever stop having fun as long as we have the golden opportunity of the blockchain we are free to say what we want to say. Do you see any adds in my feeds? Maybe some spammers pop up every once and a while but they disappear with a downvote.

Take Luke's advice.

Today I'm sure I am not the only one who is conflicted but let's take Luke's advice. "Let go of your hate." There is really a lot of good inside you. There are a lot of good people here to help you. Enjoy the ride and stay for the show.

Original Poem @mineopoly

I Feel the Conflict Inside You

Look at yourself
In the mirror.

Is this the man you want to be?
Forget the receding hairline
That part will just get worse.

Look inside yourself.
Forget all the mess you made.

Goober peanut butter with jam
Spread on two slices of bread.

It is all fixed with
a glass of warm milk.

What is inside your head?
Annoying interrogation of a poem.

My point is clear as day.
Don't stay away because of FUD.

Make a joke and get out of the mud.
You are better than this.

It's not too late.
You are not really dead.

Darth upside down.PNG

This is my 22nd poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Romans 7:15

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

Mineopoly Quote:

Where is that waskry wabbit?


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

In Your Face
Community BINGO
The Universal Soldier
Scaffolding Vygotsky Style
The Other Side
A Shrimp is Crushed

All pictures here are original works @mineopoly except that mountain pic from pixababy..


To post or not to post:

"that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?"

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

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