Creative Writing Challenge - Task #3 - The Plane

Today's challenge:

Take a look at this image:

It was taken 2 days ago with my old smart phone.

What you see is an image of a plane approaching the airport. The plane is the light circled in red.

Your task is writing a short story related with that plane.

I will assume that you don't need any hints, because you are creative enough to think in and out of the box.

Think of your story as a part of a bigger one, even as big as a novel if you'd like.

I couldn’t help but let a little sigh of relief escape as they closed the cabin door and the captain said his spiel about “flight attendants prepare for takeoff.” Like they have no clue what’s going on. But that’s the script, and so the captain says it.

Must be nice, to have your life scripted like that, and people will do what you say as long as you stick to the plan, I thought, as the gaudy attendant checked my seatbelt for the third time. That extra lipstick around your mouth to try and fool everyone into thinking that’s their real shape isn’t really working, lady. But she checks everyone again, because that’s the script.

“Why am I so salty?” I asked myself - no one was sitting next to me, thankfully, so a little crazy self-talk can go unnoticed. Still, I decide to shut my piehole and turn my thoughts inward: I’m doing what I want! No script. No co-actors in my play to screw up their lines and ruin my show! I showed those bastards they can’t control me.

As I hunch down to gaze out the window, I stare at the city I’m leaving behind, lit up for the night and yet as dark as ever. I don’t think I ever want to see these buildings again that are hurtling by as we pick up speed and lift off. Then my eyes fall on that street. Washington Street. I don’t want to see this! I force my eyes to look away, but the blue pleather back of the chair in front of me is just not as appealing. I look back just in time to see….her car. Ya, it’s there. Right in front of the Red Eye, parked slightly illegally crossing over the yellow tow zone line. Just enough to get away with it.

What’s she doing there? That was our place! I scoffed to myself. I bet she’s hanging with those jerks. Or maybe she’s just depressed and lonely. I bet she realized I’m gone and went there looking for me. Or maybe not.

Well, that chapter’s done. I’m off to start over, this time with better options: more people, more jobs, and well...NOT her.

I turn to face front, staring at the faded blue pleather as I realize I’m staring out the window at complete darkness as we’ve crossed over the cloud-cover. I massage out the kink in my neck and force my thoughts on going forward. I can’t dwell on the past, because I’m going to leave that all behind. Them. I’m leaving them behind. The ones who don’t follow the script, the ones who screw up your life and just want to control you and manipulate you to follow their script. And her. I can’t believe she ended up like that, too. Of all of them, I thought she was different. Boy did she prove me wrong. So I took control. I had to; I got the hell out of Dodge. “Or are you running away?” says a voice from nowhere, but I know it was in my head.

Running away? Hell no! They ruined this place for me. I’m taking charge and moving on. “So they made you leave town then? Just who is controlling who?” What? No, this town sucks! These people suck, and I’m off to better places! I’m moving up and when I make it big, they will regret everything they did to me!

Like last time, you mean? When you came to this town a year ago?” I ignore the voice. Sometimes silence is the best way to deal with these things. It can’t be right. It’s all these awful people that come after me. They’re all crazy and greedy but they act like your friends at the start. In the end, they’re all the same.

I slam the shutter closed on the window - the last little opening to the world I’m leaving behind - recline my seat, and close my eyes.

Thank you @steemfluencer for the Creative Writing Challenge #3.

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