Creative Writing Challenge - Task #3

The first few days of the challenge and the first two tasks were quite beneficial for at least half of the participants and we had some amazing entries that have already justified the existence of the whole contest.


The Creative Writing Challenge So Far:

There were also people willing to follow the tasks and submit their own interpretations, even though they’ve missed the deadline:

There are just few hours before the deadline for task #2 and still we are missing quite a lot of people. I'm wondering if we are heading to a massive drop out here.

... but no time for too much reflection, because we need to announce something exceptional:

Here are the instructions for the next task:

Creative Writing Challenge

Take a look at this image:


It was taken 2 days ago with my old smart phone.

What you see is an image of a plane approaching the airport. The plane is the light circled in red.

Your task is writing a short story related with that plane.

I will assume that you don't need any hints, because you are creative enough to think in and out of the box.

Think of your story as a part of a bigger one, even as big as a novel if you'd like.

In the meantime I'll be around, reading your stories, interacting with you and cheering you for your achievements.

Keep writing,

3 columns
2 columns
1 column