Embracing the Inner Reader

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I Read, Therefore I am

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

This year I decided to do my best to improve as a writer. I have recently posted links to my efforts on the writing side of things, but writing was only half of the equation. To write is important for someone wanting to become an author (obviously), but volume is necessary. I achieved this in spurts. But the other equally important part is reading. And also in large amounts.

I have never been an avid reader. Which probably explains why it has taken so long to dedicate myself to writing on a regular basis. But this year I made a decision to rectify that. I used Goodreads to keep track on what I completed. I set a challenge of 25 books for the year (although I did start part way through the year). I know this is not much by some people's standards, but it was a challenge for me. And for 2018 that challenge will increase even further, having just set a target of 50 books.

2017 Reading List Completions

  • Journal Your Writing Dreams to Life: The 10-Minute Practice That Changes Everything - Jennifer Blanchard

A very recent completion which I decided to read for inspiration for my daily writing goals. Useful, but not life changing.

  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson

Having seen the Swedish movie versions of all three of these novels, I decided it was time to read them, and see if I could learn more about the art of writing thrillers, and creating interweaving plot lines.

A book review of this novel will be posted in the not too distant future.

  • The Biology of Belief: Unlocking the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles - Bruce Lipton

Part of my constant research and reading into matters related to health.

  • Ghosts of Spain: Travels Through Spain and Its Silent Past - Giles Tremlett

Found in a small cafe in Galera, Spain. The owner insisted that my wife and I could take it if we wanted it. I'm glad I did. It was a very interesting read. Concentrating on the period in Spanish history from the Spanish Civil War and the rise of the Franco Dictatorship, upto the present, it weaved it's way through many and varied aspects of Spanish culture, landscape, and language. This was a great read.

  • Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur

A disappointing waste of my time.

  • Wool - Hugh Howey

This was good story. Perhaps a bit long, but interesting.

  • Understanding Show, Don't Tell (And Really Getting It) - Janice Hardy

Brilliant. I need to reread, and follow up with a review on this book. I wrote a Notes From an Amateur Writer post inspired by this book here.

  • 10 Core Practices For Better Writers - Melissa Donovan

Useful book for writers, and aspiring writers.

  • Philip K Dick: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations

As a fan of PKD this was a valuable read. You get a real sense of his fragile but functioning state of mind. These were mostly from around the time he wrote VALIS (more about that below).

  • Factotum - Charles Bukowski

The life of a down-and-outer never seemed so interesting. Reads well, but it made me wonder about the life he lived.

  • VALIS - Philip K dick

Written after the time PKD had a mental breakdown, this story is a thinly vieled dramatisation of many of the events that occured to him, put into novel form. The main character believes he is receiving messages from God, or a god-like being. This story details his search to understand the meaning and significance of these messages, and the people he meets on that journey.

A book review post will be written on this, so I will go into further plot details then.

  • The Crooked God Machine - Autumn Christian

One of my favourites. I wrote a book review post here.

You can find more of the author's work at her Steemit account @snowmachine

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K Dick

Where my PKD journey began. I had seen Bladerunner first. This novel is the basis of the film. There were enough changes to make them both different stories in their own rights. But to me they both work. The film certainly has a darker feel to it. But the book is a favourite of mine, and I have returned to it several times. Well worth a read for fans of SciFi.

  • Conquering Writer's Block and Summoning Inspiration: Learn to Nurture a Lifestyle of Creativity - K M Weiland

Part of my writing education. Some very useful information and explanations.

  • 5 Secrets of Story Structure - K M Weiland

I discussed this in a blog post here.

  • Fight Club - Chuck – Palahniuk

Another favourite. And again I am torn between deciding which I like more – the film or the book. I like them both, equally. I wrote a book review here.

  • On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft - Stephen King

A very good read from the master. The first half reads like a memoir with elements of his brush with writing being woven into the story. Worth a read just for that section alone. He does go on to explain in more detail his writing philosophy, and pass on lessons on the topic. Definitely worth a read for aspiring writers.

  • Diet, De-Stress, Detox - The Formula for Reclaiming Your Health & Vitality - Kevin W Reese

Part of my health education. For those interested in detoxing for health purposes.

  • Altered Carbon - Richard K Morgan

I have a book review on this ready to post so I wont go into too much detail here. A brilliant book. A SciFi masterpiece.

  • American Gods - Neil Gaiman

I stumbled upon this thanks to Borders (remember them?) having it in their recommended section when I was browsing the SciFi and Fantasy section. And I am so glad they did, and that I purchased it. A wonderful story. Loved it. I am working on a book review post for this one also.

  • American Promotheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J Robert Oppenheimer - Kai Bird

A very detailed and exhaustively researched biography of the life of J Robert Oppenheimer, who lead the Manhattan Project during World War 2.

I do seem to get drawn to those whose lives involve tragedy as well as triumph. The human condition and our imperfections at work. My interest in this man, and his work involves much synchronicity and curiosities. I haven't told the story yet. Maybe I will in the near future.

  • I Am Pilgrim - Terry Hayes

A fantastic book. A thriller of exceptional quality.

  • The Nowhere Man - Gregg Hurwitz

Another great thriller. Follows Orphan – X.

  • Orphan X - Gregg Hurwitz

The first in the series. This is a great read and thriller.

  • The View From the Cheap Seats - Neil Gaiman

A non-fiction book from the author of American Gods. Lots of essays, introduction pieces, anecdotes, as well as general thoughts and ideas.

  • The Gunslinger - Stephen King

The first book in the Dark Tower series. If you saw the film then you missed 95% of this story (The film seems to be the whole series of 7 books crammed into a 90 minute film). I enjoyed this story, and the developing mythology and plot lines being laid down in this novel. I will be continuing the journey.

  • No Quarter: The Three Lives of Jimmy Page - Martin J Power

A well written biography of Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimi Page.

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If there were others then I didn't keep a record of them. My purchase of a Kindle part way through the year certainly helped with boosting the length of the above list. And the use of Goodreads for tracking progress is also a very useful new tool for me.

On top of this list above, there were the stories I read here at Steemit. Hopefully one day one of those (or a new one) will be published and I can add another of my friends here at Steemit to my official list of published authors I have read.

This is post 1 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.

Image used with permission, and thanks to unsplash.com.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works

My Fiction Writing Collection

Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection

My Poetry Collection

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