Notes #38 - An Expanding Family

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Notes From an Amateur Writer #38

This Blog series is an exercise in creative writing. Sometimes expressed in short story form, sometimes as a journal, or just my thoughts written down. This is my attempt to help coalesce my writing ideas and knowledge into usable form. It is a nursery of sorts for the stories that are on their way, or yet to be written.

When Animals Rescue Us

In my last post I introduced you to a friend I made – very briefly – last month. She was a small dog that entered my life like a bright burning spark that made a majestic impression, before burning out and moving on. The memory still exist, and will, most probably, for a long time. Some experiences make an indelible impression. They mark their territory, they grab one's attention, and that's that.

Introducing Bindi

I also made a brief mention of our own dog, a Cairn Terrier cross Yorkie. She was rescued from the streets of Murcia, a very busy and concrete encrusted city. It's a little under one hour away from where I currently live. I have travelled around it on the freeways, on my way to Galera (see earlier posts), but I have not ventured into it. The freeways themselves were challenging enough, and I have been informed that the city itself is very difficult to navigate, so I will avoid that for as long as possible.

We were informed that Bindi (our dog) was eighteen months old when we adopted her, but have since heard that Vets here just say that when they actually have no idea of the age of the dog. From getting to know her, and observing her behaviour, it appears to us now that Bindi would have been less than a year old when rescued. In other words, she was still just a pup. She still displays puppy behaviour. And that can be a challenge, but a lovable challenge.

She has so much energy. Bindi loves to run. To the degree that would put greyhounds to shame. And certainly enough to put me to shame. I try to keep up, and give her the opportunity to let loose. Especially when I see the big smile she has on her face when she has the opportunity to let loose and run wildly. It feels good to observe her free like that, also given the knowledge of how she started her life – having been abandoned as a pup, and left to fend for herself in a big city.


All the World's a Beach

Bindi had her first swim at the beach last month. We try to take her to the beach every week, but she often struggles to relax and really enjoy the experience. It's the local dog beach we take her too, a beach set aside specifically for people to take their dogs to, and let them run and swim as they see fit. It also allows her to socialise with other dogs, and this has been an area she has struggled with. But slowly we are seeing a positive behavioural change. She seems less unsure of other dogs, especially larger dogs, and is learning to play with others. Not as often as we'd like, but far more than previously. And on the beach she truly runs free. She lets loose.

On our last visit, on Sunday, she encountered another small dog who seemed to get her, and her energy, and was very helpful in getting her to run around, on the sand, and on the cliffs behind it. And she did it in such a way that allowed Bindi to stay in sight of us – an act of intelligence that both my wife and I noticed. She marked out a trail up into the cliff and then back around – away from us, then back to us – and Bindi was run ragged. Over and over again. Exactly what she needed. It's good to see dogs themselves that are expert dog whisperers. And Bindi comes away with another experience to reassure her that not every person, and not every dog, that she encounters is a threat. And that allows more joy to enter her life. And that feels good.

Main image used with permission, and sourced from All other images are my own.

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Short Fiction:

Bang Bang You're Dead
I Have No Name and I Must Scream
The Last Book Store
The Judge
The Man In The Mirror
The End of the World [Part 1] [Part 2]
The Locked Room
The Gods of Love and War [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Jonathan and the Dance of the Leaves

Songlines - Short stories inspired by songs.

When the Levee Breaks
Heart's a Mess
It's So Easy

3 columns
2 columns
1 column