Notes From an Amateur Writer #42 - Website Review: Fiction University

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Notes From an Amateur Writer #42

This Blog series is an exercise in creative writing. Sometimes expressed in short story form, sometimes as a journal, or just my thoughts written down. This is my attempt to help coalesce my writing ideas and knowledge into usable form. It is a nursery of sorts for the stories that are on their way, or yet to be written.

This is post 7 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.

Website Review: Fiction University

I read Janice Hardy's book Understanding Show, Don't Tell (And Really Getting it) last year, and made a blog post on it at the time. I was impressed by the book and felt that it assisted me on the key writing topic of show, don't tell really well. A book I would like to go back to again and soak up the information at yet a deeper layer and follow up with a more specific book review.

I mention this book because today I am sharing Janice's blog site which I have looked at many times and believe it could be a useful resource for other emerging writers.

She calls her website Fiction University, and it contains many articles of use to an author's further education.

Sections include:

  • Planning Your Novel
  • Writing Your Novel
  • Common Writing Problems
  • Editing Your Novel
  • Selling Your Novel
  • The Writing Life
  • Regular Columns

To show writers ways to build a solid foundation for their writing. To provide tips and advice they could take right from these articles and apply directly to their work in progress. I wouldn't just say "show, don't tell" -- I'd give clear examples and advice on how to do that, so every writer could bring the story they wanted to write to life. - Janice Hardy

There are plenty of very good writing websites out there, but I have found this one to be an accessible one, written by knowledgeable fellow writers who are passing on their expertise in a way that I believe many other budding writers could benefit from.

As can be seen from the list of topics above, the website breaks the writing process down into its important sections. Each of these includes many articles that go into more details, and are written by experienced and published authors, including Janice Hardy.

I highly recommend this website, and wouldn't be surprised if it does become a regular to check up on as you learn the art and craft of fiction writing with all that that entails.

Images from and used with permission.

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