Creative Writing Challenge - Task #6 - What if...

This is my submission for @steemfluencer's writing challenge, task #6, as set forth here:



Write a 'What if...' story that develops gradually. Try reaching as much stages as you can, but don't be a perfectionist. Anything beyond 10 stages will be considered as unnecessary. The goal here is to help your creativeness expand to new level through a chain of related аssumptions. What doesn't look as possible at the very beginning appears quite probable at the end.

What if ... you were already living the life of your dreams, already married to the wife of your dreams, and had no more dreams? For you had done what you set out to do, and had accomplished everything you desired.

What if ... you and your loving wife suddenly had a child, a newborn baby, flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood, and you discovered your life had a new meaning and purpose? Now you no longer live for the pleasure of your own self, and your life is no longer your own.

What if ... you raised your child right, showered him with attention and love, and were rewarded as parents with his good behavior, excellent performance in school, and respectful attitude? Because as new parents, you are never entirely sure if you’re doing the right thing.

What if ... he went to a great college, graduated with highest honors, and went on to a well paying job? For you want to see your children do well, and as parents it pleases you when your child is happy.

What if... he met someone at his job, a fine young lady, and they hit it off, dated for many months, and then your son finally proposes to marry her, and she says yes? As parents, you are proud and excited that your son’s life is going so well.

What if ... your new daughter in law becomes pregnant a year later, and you and your wife and your son and his wife have a celebration of this new, wonderful event? As a father with his son, you toast each other with shots and mixed drinks well into the night, speaking with love and emotion as to the power of family and respect and doing things the right way.

What if ...your son drives home drunk that night with his wife and their unborn child, and they die in a horrific accident?

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