Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy (EPROM) : Final chapter (+ contest announcement).

This is the 8th and final chapter of the sort story Ethereal Pixie rings Of Mercy. If you didn't read the first seven chapters yet, the first chapter is available here.


During David’s life, Naila had never been predictable, and that had been just one of the things that David had loved about his dear friend Naila. But now Naila had gone and done something that even after David's extraordinary afterlife experiences was beyond even David’s wildest expectations.
There had been quite a bit of panic in the local grid during Naila’s first broadcast. She had taken David’s ‘archive’ on his proof of absence paradox and had completed his work. After she had applied David’s proof of absence paradox to disprove the existence of Russell’s teapot, she had tried and failed to do the same for the existence of an afterlife. But then Naila had ran into David’s old diaries from his drug using days. Combining the two, Naila had done the unimaginable. Naila had completed David’s work, but instead of disproving the existence of the afterlife using her extensive knowledge of physics, neurology and biology and David’s proof of absence paradox, she had methodically conducted experiments until David's mathematical toolkit had allowed her to actually 'find' the grid that David had existed in for 19 years now.
Naila had partially worked out part of the grid’s inner workings. After snooping on the thought broadcasts of the newly departed, Naila had constructed a transmitter.
A transmitter that had been so loud and so language-centric that it had startled even many of the older disembodied, some of whom had lived in the grid for millennia. Naila making contact had created quite a stir on both sides of the divide between the living and the dead.
To his delight, David and Naila got their chance to once more work together. Working together to “tear down the gates of heaven” as Naila jokingly said to David.
There was rather a lot of scientific and religious turmoil in the years after David and Naila managed to get those disembodied that desired it an internet connection. At first only the form of voice over IP had been possible, but when webcams and text chats became available, internet access became quite popular amongst the dead. Once the departed started projecting images of landscapes in faraway worlds to social media, things got a bit messy for a while.
At the beginning religious groups had been strongly and even violently opposed to the idea of communicating with dead people over the internet, and the pictures posted conflicted so badly with their humanity-centric convictions that a Christian fundamentalist launched cyber-attacks against Naila’s Bifröst gateway. Once the Son got online things soon changed. The Son did have a good sense of theatrics. In one twenty-four hour period, Christmas Eve in each time zone, every household with a phone connection got a phone call from him personally. This alone showed the incredible capacity of the world wide mushroom brain. Hundreds of millions of simultaneous phone calls where he patiently spoke with many billions of people, often for hours, speaking with them about their fears, their hopes and their anger.
David was elated. His work, the work that he thought had done nothing but waste his time and make him forget about his life priorities, had created this wondrous new world. David, in a way, had succeeded after all.
No, religion was not being purged from the world as David had set out to do, far from it. It was being cleansed of misinterpretations and broken lines that had diluted old rituals for millennia. More importantly, bad doctrine was being purged from the world. Science and religion were quickly becoming one, and humanity was setting out to take up a much more central place in creation than it ever had.
Using a combination of science and newly discovered religious and scientific insights, the earth was to become the place of inception for countless new universes that were to then become part of the Father brain. The science for creating a big bang was there already, and it was relatively safe to do so. There was one rule. A new universe should only intersect with its parent universe. Having 13 dimensions to work with, this created room for many hundreds of billions of universes being spawned from earth.
David finally felt his life had been truly worth something again. He and Naila had accomplished something so substantial, something so monumental, that it was hard to even come to grips with how it would shape mankind’s future. But then, in every way that counted, David now realized that concerns about humanity were unimportant when compared to the people he loved. David and Naila had come together to create the technology that now allowed his wife Sarah and his daughter Angelique to communicate. However enormous his accomplishments, David realized that where Sarah was concerned, while they loved each other very much still and even with death no longer forming an obstacle to communication, David still had a long road ahead to redemption.

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