What I Learnt Today : 10 Unknown Amazing Facts About Animals - Part XXX

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(1) Like horses cows can sleep while standing up. But, when they sleep lying down then can dream, otherwise not.

(2) Ostriches are great runner. They can run faster than horses.

(3) Male ostriches are able to roar like lions.

(4) A very interesting thing is that Cats can’t see directly below their noses. That’s why they often miss foods in front of their nose.

Ostrich roaring
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(5) Dolphins are very curious animals. And also they are very playful like as dogs.

(6) Dogs only have sweat glands under their feet.

(7) It’s hard to believe that owls have actually eye tubes instead of eyeballs. But, we see their big rounded eyes & thinking what a couple of big eyeball they have.

Owl’s eye
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(8) The family bonding of arctic foxes are very strong. Both mother and father Arctic fox stay together & take cares to raise their babies.

(9) We know shrimps are not fish. They are arthropods. So, unlike fish, they do not have fins to swim. To swim in water they pull their abdomen toward their bodies and create a motion that makes them shoot through water.

(10) Coyote which is very similar to grey wolf has the scientific name “Canis Latrans” that means ‘barking dog’.

Coyote (Canis Latrans)
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Previous Episodes :
Part-I, Part-II, Part-III, Part-IV,Part-V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part XIV, Part XV, Part XVI, Part XVII, Part XVIII, Part XIX, Part XX, Part XXI, Part XXII, Part XXIII, Part XXIV, Part XXV, Part XXVI, Part XXVII, Part XXVIII, Part XXIX

reference : http://www.thefactsite.com/2010/09/300-random-animal-facts.html






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